Web Development Project Template (edit as required)

Développement de sites web
debugging unit testing react.js (javascript library) git (version control system) json development environment command-line interface responsive web design hypertext markup language (html) javascript (programming language)
Portée du projet

Quel est l'objectif principal de ce projet?

Develop a web application / website [edit as required] for [insert company] that does XYZ [edit as required]. This web application / website would be easy to maintain and be easy to use for end users. 

[EMPLOYERS: edit the above to reflect the needs of your company and showcase to learners who this would be an exciting and engaging project for them to take on]

Quelles tâches les apprenant.es devront-iels accomplir pour atteindre l'objectif du projet?

 This will involve several different steps for the learners, including:

  • Review our current application, gather scope and consider different tools to build the final deliverable
  • Develop a responsive web application / website using React, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS [EMPLOYERS: edit as required] to reflect your tech stack
  • Understanding our company and what we offer and translate that into relevant components for the final deliverable
  • Using the agreed upon tool, setting up the development environment with the command line and version control (Git) [EMPLOYERS: edit as required]
  • Writing unit tests and debugging code
  • Handle HTTP requests and responses, ensuring proper JSON data interchange
  • Incorporate Git workflow for version control and collaborative development
  • Enhance the user experience with client-side JavaScript functionalities
  • [EMPLOYER: add in any other tasks as required]

[EMPLOYERS: edit the above to reflect the needs of your company and showcase to learners who this would be an exciting and engaging project for them to take on]

Comment aiderez-vous les apprenant.es à mener à bien le projet?

[EMPLOYERS: what can you offer the learning coming in to complete this project? Please add as much detail as possible including the types of mentorship, instruction, materials, training etc that will be available to them]