Online educational tools for language teaching (Virtual Volunteer Placement)

Placement Officer
  • septembre 15, 2020
    Début de expérience
  • décembre 10, 2020
    Fin de expérience
10 projets souhaités
Dates fixées par le expérience
Entreprises privilégiées
N'importe où
Non profit, Entreprise sociale
Non-profit, philanthropic & civil society, Individual & family services
Technologie de l'information Communications Lancement d'un produit ou d'un service Éducation
project planning business services
Objectifs et capacités de

Would you like to benefit from the volunteer support of mature students at the University of Ottawa (Canada) in a Masters of Education course in Technologies, Languages and Education? Do you have a language-learning program for new Canadians or a program/project for second language learners? Are looking for help to identify or create great technological tools to enhance your language-learning program? Students can offer you 30 hours of virtual volunteer support between mid-September and early December 2020. A pair of students will provide 60 volunteer hours.

Community Service Learning (CSL) is an academic experiential learning program offered by the University of Ottawa. Students contribute to their community by participating in community service placements approved for their course and complete corresponding reflective assignments. You have the opportunity to tap into a pool of dedicated students to expand your organization's resources and capacity!
Tout niveau
10 dans le programme
30 heures par apprenant.e
Les s'auto-attribuent
Équipes de 2
Résultats et livrables attendus

The deliverables for this offer are one or more downloaded technological tools with written instructions for use as an educational tool. An alternative deliverable could be an annotated resource list providing information on no-cost or low-cost relevant technological tools available on the internet with the coordinates for where to find these.

Chronologie du projet
  • septembre 15, 2020
    Début de expérience
  • décembre 10, 2020
    Fin de expérience
Exemples de projets

In this course, students will analyze the influence of social, political, cultural, material and technological elements on the use of digital technologies in language teaching and experiment with the necessary competences to use digital technologies in language teaching.

From mid-September to early December, the students work on-line a minimum of 30 virtual hours to assist language teachers and their organizations in identifying and/or developing on-line educational tools for language teaching. A pair of students will work a total of 60 hours. The work could include researching existing tools, adapting available tools or creating new tools. This offer may appeal to organizations with language learning programs for immigrants and or refugees or for second language learners.

Les entreprises doivent répondre aux questions suivantes pour soumettre une demande de jumelage pour cette expérience:

The community partners will have to use uOttawa Community Engagement Navigator to approve student's hours and complete a short evaluation on their work (more details to be provided).

Community Partners will need to sign an agreement with the University of Ottawa and provide a proof of general insurance liability of minimum 2 million dollars including the University of Ottawa as an additional insured (details to be discussed).

Placements are unpaid and of 30 hours per student

You have to be a not-for-profit or public organization or institution to be eligible.