Criminal Justice
septembre 16, 2024Début de expérience
septembre 30, 2024Finalize Topic Selection
octobre 28, 2024Produce Annotated Outline
novembre 18, 2024Produce Draft Report/Manuscript
décembre 16, 2024Project Closeout
décembre 23, 2024Fin de expérience
septembre 16, 2024Début de expérience
septembre 30, 2024Finalize Topic Selection
By September 29th students must have formed their group and selected a topic as well as coordinated their topic selection with the partner organization. The topic and a tentative list of sources, along with the identified partner organization, must be provided by the students to the instructor by midnight, October 6th on Blackboard.
octobre 28, 2024Produce Annotated Outline
By midnight October 27th the student group must have shared an annotated outline with the partner organization and submitted the final version of the outline to the instructor (via Blackboard). An online meeting with the partner organization to obtain feedback is recommended.
novembre 18, 2024Produce Draft Report/Manuscript
By November 17th the student group must have completed a manuscript draft and shared it with the partner organization. The draft manuscript must be submitted to the instructor via Blackboard by midnight, November 17th. A subsequent online meeting with the partner organization to obtain feedback is recommended.
décembre 16, 2024Project Closeout
By December 15th all project products (report/manuscript, PPT, presentation recording, and UNDergraduate Showcase poster) must be completed and submitted to the partner organization and the instructor (i.e., Blackboard). The course end date and absolute latest date of submission of final products is midnight, December 22nd.
décembre 23, 2024Fin de expérience
Portée de Expérience
Droit et politique Sciences sociales Social justice Scientific researchCompétences
criminal justice policy research literature reviews evidence-based practiceThis course is a senior capstone intended to integrate material across the criminal justice curriculum. The course explores various definitions of justice [and outcomes] as those concepts bear on the criminal justice system as well as the political philosophical underpinnings of the American criminal justice system. Finally, the course evaluates criminal justice policies [as well as practices and programs] with respect to these principles of justice and philosophical foundations.
Topic and structure of deliverables are negotiable, but the following products are required for the course:
- 5-10 page program/practice/policy review report/manuscript
- PPT presentation and 10-15 minute presentation recording
- Poster and live online presence/presentation at the UNDergraduate Showcase
Chronologie du projet
septembre 16, 2024Début de expérience
septembre 30, 2024Finalize Topic Selection
octobre 28, 2024Produce Annotated Outline
novembre 18, 2024Produce Draft Report/Manuscript
décembre 16, 2024Project Closeout
décembre 23, 2024Fin de expérience
septembre 16, 2024Début de expérience
septembre 30, 2024Finalize Topic Selection
By September 29th students must have formed their group and selected a topic as well as coordinated their topic selection with the partner organization. The topic and a tentative list of sources, along with the identified partner organization, must be provided by the students to the instructor by midnight, October 6th on Blackboard.
octobre 28, 2024Produce Annotated Outline
By midnight October 27th the student group must have shared an annotated outline with the partner organization and submitted the final version of the outline to the instructor (via Blackboard). An online meeting with the partner organization to obtain feedback is recommended.
novembre 18, 2024Produce Draft Report/Manuscript
By November 17th the student group must have completed a manuscript draft and shared it with the partner organization. The draft manuscript must be submitted to the instructor via Blackboard by midnight, November 17th. A subsequent online meeting with the partner organization to obtain feedback is recommended.
décembre 16, 2024Project Closeout
By December 15th all project products (report/manuscript, PPT, presentation recording, and UNDergraduate Showcase poster) must be completed and submitted to the partner organization and the instructor (i.e., Blackboard). The course end date and absolute latest date of submission of final products is midnight, December 22nd.
décembre 23, 2024Fin de expérience
Critères supplémentaires pour %{company}
For this course junior- and senior-level undergraduate students are required to work in pairs to develop a literature review on a specific criminal justice practice, program, or policy and make a determination about its effectiveness or lack thereof based on existing scientific evidence. Topics are selected by the students but may also be chosen in collaboration with your organization. Agencies looking to discover new solutions to existing problems may find a literature review of a particular solution helpful in larger strategic planning efforts. It may also be beneficial for agencies looking to review the latest evidence on the efficacy of their current practices, programs, or policies more broadly.
This project consists of multiple phases of review and monitoring by the instructor, student peer review, and will result in the following end products:
- 5-10 page program/practice/policy review report/manuscript
- PPT presentation and 10-15 minute presentation recording
- Poster and live online presence/presentation at the UNDergraduate Showcase
Critères supplé mentaires pour entreprise
Les entreprises doivent répondre aux questions suivantes pour soumettre une demande de jumelage pour cette expérience:
Be available for a quick phone/virtual call with the instructor to initiate your relationship and confirm your scope is an appropriate fit for the experience.
Provide a dedicated contact person who is available for monthly drop-ins to address learners’ questions as well as periodic messages over the duration of the project.
How is your project interest relevant to the experience? What practices, programs, or policies may be of interest?
septembre 16, 2024Début de expérience
septembre 30, 2024Finalize Topic Selection
octobre 28, 2024Produce Annotated Outline
novembre 18, 2024Produce Draft Report/Manuscript
décembre 16, 2024Project Closeout
décembre 23, 2024Fin de expérience
septembre 16, 2024Début de expérience
septembre 30, 2024Finalize Topic Selection
By September 29th students must have formed their group and selected a topic as well as coordinated their topic selection with the partner organization. The topic and a tentative list of sources, along with the identified partner organization, must be provided by the students to the instructor by midnight, October 6th on Blackboard.
octobre 28, 2024Produce Annotated Outline
By midnight October 27th the student group must have shared an annotated outline with the partner organization and submitted the final version of the outline to the instructor (via Blackboard). An online meeting with the partner organization to obtain feedback is recommended.
novembre 18, 2024Produce Draft Report/Manuscript
By November 17th the student group must have completed a manuscript draft and shared it with the partner organization. The draft manuscript must be submitted to the instructor via Blackboard by midnight, November 17th. A subsequent online meeting with the partner organization to obtain feedback is recommended.
décembre 16, 2024Project Closeout
By December 15th all project products (report/manuscript, PPT, presentation recording, and UNDergraduate Showcase poster) must be completed and submitted to the partner organization and the instructor (i.e., Blackboard). The course end date and absolute latest date of submission of final products is midnight, December 22nd.
décembre 23, 2024Fin de expérience