Financial Planning Consultancy W22

BFIN 486
Capilano University
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  • février 15, 2022
    Début de expérience
  • mars 20, 2022
    Fin de expérience
1/1 match de projet
Dates fixées par le expérience
Entreprises privilégiées
Insurance, Banking & finance

Portée de Expérience

Comptabilité Modélisation financière Services financiers Risque, audit et conformité
financial analysis research professional interpersonal and written communication
Objectifs et capacités de

This would apply to companies which deliver financial advice to individual clients or to their employees.

This is an opportunity to mentor students as well as benefit from having teams of financial planning students analyse and research the best recommendations and alternatives to help your clients reach their goals. Let the students come up with creative recommendations and a professional financial plan to offer your clients.
Premier cycle universitaire
Tout niveau
20 dans le programme
30 heures par apprenant.e
Les s'auto-attribuent
Équipes de 4
Résultats et livrables attendus

An executive summary of primary recommendations with detailed discussion and alternatives and illustrations in the full financial plan.

Chronologie du projet
  • février 15, 2022
    Début de expérience
  • mars 20, 2022
    Fin de expérience

Critères supplémentaires pour %{company}


Examples of projects could include situations where financial advisors could add value to their clients by offering to produce a financial plan with robust recommendations for special client situations. It could also be useful for companies that offer robust financial planning services to employees as part of their employee benefits.

The students could work on any kind of client scenario where a financial plan is needed to provide options for managing debt and improving cash flow, saving for a home, reaching retirement goals, ensuring clients are financially secure, or developing estate planning and risk management recommendations.

Critères supplé mentaires pour entreprise

Les entreprises doivent répondre aux questions suivantes pour soumettre une demande de jumelage pour cette expérience:
  • question

    Be available for a phone call with the instructor to initiate your relationship and confirm your scope is an appropriate fit for the course.

  • question

    Provide a dedicated contact who is available to answer periodic emails or phone calls over the duration of the project to address questions about required information on case details.