Cross Cultural Management
![McGill University](
![Zihan Cai](
septembre 25, 2024Début de expérience
septembre 25, 2024Students assigned to an organization
septembre 25, 2024First reachout email sent week of Sept 24
septembre 26, 2024Students form teams
octobre 2, 2024Interviews with members of your organization
novembre 27, 2024Knowledge sharing session
novembre 30, 2024Fin de expérience
septembre 25, 2024Début de expérience
septembre 25, 2024Students assigned to an organization
septembre 25, 2024First reachout email sent week of Sept 24
septembre 26, 2024Students form teams
octobre 2, 2024Interviews with members of your organization
Oct 1 - Nov 24
novembre 27, 2024Knowledge sharing session
novembre 30, 2024Fin de expérience
Portée de Expérience
Structure organisationnelle Fidélisation des employés Formation et perfectionnement Culture d'entreprise Santé et bien-être au travailCompétences
marketing operations management consulting strategic management managementStudents in the BCom program complete this course in their second or third year at McGill. Students come from diverse backgrounds with a wide variety of concentrations including International Business, Human Resources, Organizational Behavior, Business Analytics, Marketing, Operations Management, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Strategic Management and Sustainability. Students outside of the BCom program or exchange students may also take this course as an elective, adding to the diversity of our class.
Student teams will deliver a 15-pages written report and share their key learnings to their classmates during an interactive discussion session at the end of the semester.
Chronologie du projet
septembre 25, 2024Début de expérience
septembre 25, 2024Students assigned to an organization
septembre 25, 2024First reachout email sent week of Sept 24
septembre 26, 2024Students form teams
octobre 2, 2024Interviews with members of your organization
novembre 27, 2024Knowledge sharing session
novembre 30, 2024Fin de expérience
septembre 25, 2024Début de expérience
septembre 25, 2024Students assigned to an organization
septembre 25, 2024First reachout email sent week of Sept 24
septembre 26, 2024Students form teams
octobre 2, 2024Interviews with members of your organization
Oct 1 - Nov 24
novembre 27, 2024Knowledge sharing session
novembre 30, 2024Fin de expérience
Exemples de projets
A core component of this undergraduate course is a group project where students learn about cross-cultural management and equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) practices at an organization. Students will apply course-specific knowledge and skills to produce EDI-focused recommendations, with the goal of becoming better cross-cultural managers and future proponents of an inclusive work environment.
There are roughly 65 students registered for this course. They will be put into groups of 5-6 students and each group will be assigned to an organization around September 23rd. Students will interview two people in the organization: (1) a human resources representative or an employee from an EDI team who is aware of EDI-centered organizational practices and/or specific cross-cultural management practices, and (2) a manager from another unit, to learn about their perspective and experience with these practices.
The two interviewees participating in this class project should budget approximately two hours over the course of the term, one hour for an initial interview and another hour to answer additional questions (if needed). These interviews will be held virtually outside of class time. The student team and the interviewees will communicate via email for scheduling purposes and for other exchanges pertinent to the project.
Critères supplé mentaires pour entreprise
Les entreprises doivent répondre aux questions suivantes pour soumettre une demande de jumelage pour cette expérience:
Critères supplé mentaires pour entreprise
Les entreprises doivent répondre aux questions suivantes pour soumettre une demande de jumelage pour cette expérience:
Does your organization have an HR department or diversity and inclusion team?
septembre 25, 2024Début de expérience
septembre 25, 2024Students assigned to an organization
septembre 25, 2024First reachout email sent week of Sept 24
septembre 26, 2024Students form teams
octobre 2, 2024Interviews with members of your organization
novembre 27, 2024Knowledge sharing session
novembre 30, 2024Fin de expérience
septembre 25, 2024Début de expérience
septembre 25, 2024Students assigned to an organization
septembre 25, 2024First reachout email sent week of Sept 24
septembre 26, 2024Students form teams
octobre 2, 2024Interviews with members of your organization
Oct 1 - Nov 24
novembre 27, 2024Knowledge sharing session
novembre 30, 2024Fin de expérience