Industry Analysis Fall 2024 (University of Toronto)
septembre 9, 2024Début de expérience
novembre 5, 2024Fin de expérience
Portée de Expérience
Comptabilité Modélisation financière InvestissementCompétences
communications team management presentations inter-disciplinary teams research1st year Masters students in accounting and finance in the Masters of Management of Public Accounting (MMPA) at the University of Toronto, Mississauga will work in teams of 6. they will use their course-relevant knowledge to conduct research on an industry and develop recommendations on how and whether to invest in the industry.
A 15 min oral virtual synchronous team presentation with a slide deck and speaking notes for the employer. Students can answer questions posed by employers re: data and future steps of recommendation.
Chronologie du projet
septembre 9, 2024Début de expérience
novembre 5, 2024Fin de expérience
Critères supplémentaires pour %{company}
Real Estate Industry
Pharmaceutical Industry
Gig Economy
Virtual Entertainment Industry
1. Is this an attractive industry? What is the evidence showing it is attractive? What is the evidence showing it is not?
2. How will we define/measure ‘attractiveness’? What are the issues with these measurements/definitions of attractiveness?
3. What explains why the industry is attractive? What explains why the industry is not attractive?
4. What future actions will promote make it more attractive for investment? What future actions will overcome the obstacles for the industry’s growth?
Critères supplé mentaires pour entreprise
Les entreprises doivent répondre aux questions suivantes pour soumettre une demande de jumelage pour cette expérience:
Can you or your rep attend a 3 hour session of virtual synchronous team presentations
Can you provide background information for your institution for students to do research on?
septembre 9, 2024Début de expérience
novembre 5, 2024Fin de expérience