Vancouver | New York Institute of Technology (NYIT)
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Associate Professor
10/10 match de projet
Dates fixées par les projets
Entreprises privilégiées
N'importe où
Startup, Large enterprise, Small to medium enterprise
N'importe qu'elle industrie
Sécurité (cybersécurité et sécurité informatique) Technologie de l'information Développement de logiciels Apprentissage automatique Réseautage
cyber security information technology
Objectifs et capacités de

Is your organization looking to develop, analyze or test new cybersecurity applications? In this course, students in the New York Institute of Technology cybersecurity program will work with your organization to solve a problem or opportunity of your choosing related to cybersecurity. While cybersecurity projects are preferred, projects from all areas of Information Technology will be considered.
Tout niveau
30 dans le programme
30 heures par apprenant.e
Les s'inscrivent aux projets
Équipes de 3
Résultats et livrables attendus

The final project deliverable will vary depending on the nature of the project and the problem to be solved. Please see project examples.

Exemples de projets

In teams of 3-4, the students will solve a problem or opportunity of your choosing related to cybersecurity. During the course of the project each student is expected to work for, approximately, a total of 30 hours. At the end of the project the students will submit all their key findings or applications developed to your organization.

Project examples include:

  • Develop new cybersecurity applications or improve existing applications
  • Analyze data from cybersecurity incidents
  • Implement/Deploy new cybersecurity applications
  • Penetration testing of new applications