CRI825 Winter 2019 Creative Impact Supercourse II Challenges

Toronto Metropolitan University
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Dr. William Michael Carter
Assistant Professor, School of Creative Industries, Ryerson University
  • janvier 11, 2019
    Début de expérience
  • janvier 19, 2019
    Project Scope Meeting
  • février 23, 2019
    Midway Check In
  • mars 30, 2019
    Supercourse Showcase
  • avril 12, 2019
    Fin de expérience
5 projets souhaités
Dates fixées par le expérience
Entreprises privilégiées
N'importe où
Tout type de entreprise
Entertainment, Telecommunications, Arts, Non-profit, philanthropic & civil society, Banking & finance, Academic association, Media & production

Portée de Expérience

Communications Étude de marché Lancement d'un produit ou d'un service
self-motivated rapid prototyping consumer behaviour analysis innovation; design thinking; product development; marketing
Objectifs et capacités de

Transdisciplinary teams of students work on real-world problems presented by industry and community partners. Working across disciplinary, national and cultural boundaries, student teams address partners’ needs with innovative, flexible and creative approaches. Students groups will be supported through experiential industry, community and academic mentorship vision-proofing their proposed solutions for future execution as a final product, white paper or prototype.
Tout niveau
25 dans le programme
54 heures par apprenant.e
Les s'auto-attribuent
Équipes de 4
Résultats et livrables attendus

At the end of this course, student groups will deliver:

A fully-functioning, digital, physical, performative or theoretical prototype, which meets or exceeds the original expectations of the Industry or Institutional partner.

A peer-to-peer analysis/reflection of the students own performance and that of their fellow group members.

An Operational Plan to move forward with the solution either into a Zone or externally within the business environment.

A final Showcase presentation on Friday March 29th, evaluated by your peers, industry partners and industry guests.

Chronologie du projet
  • janvier 11, 2019
    Début de expérience
  • janvier 19, 2019
    Project Scope Meeting
  • février 23, 2019
    Midway Check In
  • mars 30, 2019
    Supercourse Showcase
  • avril 12, 2019
    Fin de expérience

Exemples de projets


In groups of transdisciplinary students, groups will select a curated Supercourse Industry, Institutional or Governmental challenge. Using Design Thinking, student groups will then progressively build a working prototype as a potential solution to the challenge.

Student groups will be assigned a faculty mentor with specific domain area expertise to the chosen curated Supercourse challenge.

Student groups will conduct external qualitative and quantitative research consisting of target user interviews and surveys, traditional paper based research and client/partner discussion.

Critères supplé mentaires pour entreprise

Les entreprises doivent répondre aux questions suivantes pour soumettre une demande de jumelage pour cette expérience:

  • Q - Case à cocher
  • Q - Case à cocher