Human Resources Management - Spring 25

MGT X 452.1 -244MCH001
University of California, Riverside Extension
Riverside, California, United States
Dr. Nidhi Shah
Adjunct Business Faculty
  • mars 26, 2025
    Début de expérience
  • avril 24, 2025
    Fin de expérience
2/2 match de projet
Dates fixées par le expérience
Entreprises privilégiées
N'importe où
Small to medium enterprise
Academic association, Business & management, Business services, Éducation, Human resources & recruitment

Portée de Expérience

Fidélisation des employés Communications internes Formation et perfectionnement Culture d'entreprise
job analysis performance management research training and development employee onboarding
Objectifs et capacités de

Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on learners from University of California, Riverside to be your learner-consultants, in a project-based experience. Learners will work on one main project over the experience of the semester, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools.

Learners in this program/experience explore a comprehensive overview of human resource management functions and its relevance in today’s environment. The key concepts of HRM will be taught and executed into Human Resource Strategic Plan Presentation of an Organization by the students. The course will cover the role of human resources, skills needed in HRM, Strategic plan creation, onboarding recruitment, selection, retention, job analysis and design, employee assessment, training and development. as well as communication.
Niveau Intermédiaire
10 dans le programme
20 heures par apprenant.e
Les Professeur.euses affectent les à des projets
Équipes de 3
Résultats et livrables attendus

Deliverables are negotiable, and will seek to align the needs of the learners and the organization. 

Some final project deliverables might include: 

  1. A 10-15 minute presentation on key findings and recommendations
  2. A detailed report including their research, analysis, insights and recommendations

Chronologie du projet
  • mars 26, 2025
    Début de expérience
  • avril 24, 2025
    Fin de expérience

Exemples de projets


Learners in groups of 3-5 will work with your company to identify your needs and provide actionable recommendations, based on their in-depth research and analysis.

Project activities that learners can complete may include, but are not limited to: 

  • Identify the new HR role and the external factors impacting the organization.
  • Application of HRM functions, human capital and skills in a firm using the SWOT analysis.
  • Create human resource strategic plan using onboarding CARE Model and implement 4 R retention strategies that are respect, resolve, recognition, and reward.
  • Implement HRM best practices and strategies for training and development in companies. 

Critères supplé mentaires pour entreprise

Les entreprises doivent répondre aux questions suivantes pour soumettre une demande de jumelage pour cette expérience:

  • Q1 - Case à cocher
  • Q2 - Texte court
    Company ready to interact on email and answer student questions related to company project.  *