Master's Enterprise Consulting

avril 29, 2024Début de expérience
mai 4, 2024Statement of Work Agreed by Client, Students and Instructor
mai 30, 2024Project Plan Meeting and Report
juin 27, 2024Status Report
juillet 27, 2024Final Meeting and Report
août 10, 2024Fin de expérience
avril 29, 2024Début de expérience
mai 4, 2024Statement of Work Agreed by Client, Students and Instructor
Discussion between students and organization to confirm: project scope, communication styles, and important dates in a written agrement called the Statement of Work
mai 30, 2024Project Plan Meeting and Report
Discusion between students and organization to ensure that progress to date is aligned with the Statement of Work. Then the students meet with the instructor for an update
juin 27, 2024Status Report
Students prepare a comprehensive report for the instructor, and if desired, for the client, to provide an update on data collection, preliminary findings and plan to finish the project
juillet 27, 2024Final Meeting and Report
Students prepare a final report and presentation recapping their findings and focus on their recommendations to the client
août 10, 2024Fin de expérience
Portée de Expérience
Communications Étude de marché Opérations Lancement d'un produit ou d'un service Marketing strategyCompétences
strategic planning business strategy presentation skills data analysis market researchA team of Master's student-consultants will work with your organization on a business management consulting initiative.
Project deliverables include:
- Project Plan: Students will develop a Statement of Work and Project Plan for the semester.
- Status Report: Students will conduct research, update you, and solicit your input to successfully deliver their final research-based recommendations.
- Final Delivery: As outlined and agreed to in the status report.
Chronologie du projet
avril 29, 2024Début de expérience
mai 4, 2024Statement of Work Agreed by Client, Students and Instructor
mai 30, 2024Project Plan Meeting and Report
juin 27, 2024Status Report
juillet 27, 2024Final Meeting and Report
août 10, 2024Fin de expérience
avril 29, 2024Début de expérience
mai 4, 2024Statement of Work Agreed by Client, Students and Instructor
Discussion between students and organization to confirm: project scope, communication styles, and important dates in a written agrement called the Statement of Work
mai 30, 2024Project Plan Meeting and Report
Discusion between students and organization to ensure that progress to date is aligned with the Statement of Work. Then the students meet with the instructor for an update
juin 27, 2024Status Report
Students prepare a comprehensive report for the instructor, and if desired, for the client, to provide an update on data collection, preliminary findings and plan to finish the project
juillet 27, 2024Final Meeting and Report
Students prepare a final report and presentation recapping their findings and focus on their recommendations to the client
août 10, 2024Fin de expérience
Exemples de projets
Starting this May, a team of 6 student-consultants from the Schulich Master of Management program will collectively spend up to 400 hours working with your organization to solve a management challenge that you are facing.
Based on your goals, student-consultants will develop unique, data-based insights and strategic recommendations to overcome your challenge and develop opportunities.
Project examples include, but are not limited to:
- Market Research: Conducting a primary and secondary research, surveying potential customers and evaluating the market potential.
- Market Positioning: Developing value propositions and use cases for specific market segments.
- Internal Process Optimization: Analyzing a value and supply chain.
- Competitive Advantage: Developing a competitive matrix and differentiation.
- Business Model Testing: Validating business models.
- Pitch & Deck Development: Creating materials for investor presentations.
Critères supplé mentaires pour entreprise
Les entreprises doivent répondre aux questions suivantes pour soumettre une demande de jumelage pour cette expérience:
Critères supplé mentaires pour entreprise
Les entreprises doivent répondre aux questions suivantes pour soumettre une demande de jumelage pour cette expérience:
avril 29, 2024Début de expérience
mai 4, 2024Statement of Work Agreed by Client, Students and Instructor
mai 30, 2024Project Plan Meeting and Report
juin 27, 2024Status Report
juillet 27, 2024Final Meeting and Report
août 10, 2024Fin de expérience
avril 29, 2024Début de expérience
mai 4, 2024Statement of Work Agreed by Client, Students and Instructor
Discussion between students and organization to confirm: project scope, communication styles, and important dates in a written agrement called the Statement of Work
mai 30, 2024Project Plan Meeting and Report
Discusion between students and organization to ensure that progress to date is aligned with the Statement of Work. Then the students meet with the instructor for an update
juin 27, 2024Status Report
Students prepare a comprehensive report for the instructor, and if desired, for the client, to provide an update on data collection, preliminary findings and plan to finish the project
juillet 27, 2024Final Meeting and Report
Students prepare a final report and presentation recapping their findings and focus on their recommendations to the client
août 10, 2024Fin de expérience