Systems Analysis & Design - Winter 2022
janvier 17, 2022Début de expérience
janvier 29, 2022Project Scope Meeting
février 7, 2022Company & Project Overview
mars 10, 2022System Design
mars 14, 2022System Analysis
avril 6, 2022Final Presentation
avril 16, 2022Fin de expérience
janvier 17, 2022Début de expérience
janvier 29, 2022Project Scope Meeting
Meeting between students and company to confirm: project scope, communication styles, and important dates.
février 7, 2022Company & Project Overview
Students will submit (on Canvas) an overview of the company, the industry it operates in as well as the undertaken system (project), the project scope and a preliminary project plan.
mars 10, 2022System Design
Structure data requirements; Preliminary database and forms and reports design (as needed); Interface design. The deliverable will be submitted on Canvas and can be shared with the company to provide an update and/or get feedback.
mars 14, 2022System Analysis
Students will conduct a comprehensive feasibility analysis, investigate and analyze system requirements and model process requirements. This deliverable will be submitted on Canvas as well as shared with the company on Riipen. Company contact will provide feedback to the team(s) by Feb. 27.
avril 6, 2022Final Presentation
Presentation: due by April 5 on Canvas; In-class, virtual presentations on April 6. Submit the final draft of the Project Report to the company for review and critical feedback before the presentation. The company may attend presentations. To be discussed with the instructor in advance.
avril 16, 2022Fin de expérience
Portée de Expérience
Technologie de l'information Analyse des données Opérations Gestion de projetCompétences
database design system analysis requirements gathering data analysis interface designThis term project is designed to let our students help your company formally assess the value of a proposed systems project within your organization. Students will use structured tools and techniques to conduct a detailed analysis of the current and proposed system. They will also develop data models and user-interface designs for the proposed system that can help develop the new/modified database and application.
Student teams can deliver the client a report and video presentation, which can be evaluated on the following grounds:
- Use of process analysis to frame problem and or solution
- A cohesive, logical flow of ideas (including a strong intro and conclusion)
- Use of graphics, tables, diagrams to effectively summarize ideas
- A full analysis of People, Process and IT (the full “Information System”) as appropriate
- Use of benchmarking and other business examples to frame problems and describe solutions
- Use of valuable external information sources
- Recommendation aligned with project/business goals
- Elementary risk analysis of the proposed solution
- High-level Cost/Benefit analysis
- Overall Quality of Report
- Overall Quality of Video Presentation
- Professionalism
Chronologie du projet
janvier 17, 2022Début de expérience
janvier 29, 2022Project Scope Meeting
février 7, 2022Company & Project Overview
mars 10, 2022System Design
mars 14, 2022System Analysis
avril 6, 2022Final Presentation
avril 16, 2022Fin de expérience
janvier 17, 2022Début de expérience
janvier 29, 2022Project Scope Meeting
Meeting between students and company to confirm: project scope, communication styles, and important dates.
février 7, 2022Company & Project Overview
Students will submit (on Canvas) an overview of the company, the industry it operates in as well as the undertaken system (project), the project scope and a preliminary project plan.
mars 10, 2022System Design
Structure data requirements; Preliminary database and forms and reports design (as needed); Interface design. The deliverable will be submitted on Canvas and can be shared with the company to provide an update and/or get feedback.
mars 14, 2022System Analysis
Students will conduct a comprehensive feasibility analysis, investigate and analyze system requirements and model process requirements. This deliverable will be submitted on Canvas as well as shared with the company on Riipen. Company contact will provide feedback to the team(s) by Feb. 27.
avril 6, 2022Final Presentation
Presentation: due by April 5 on Canvas; In-class, virtual presentations on April 6. Submit the final draft of the Project Report to the company for review and critical feedback before the presentation. The company may attend presentations. To be discussed with the instructor in advance.
avril 16, 2022Fin de expérience
Critères supplémentaires pour %{company}
Conduct structured systems analysis and design activities including
- Initial feasibility analysis
- Thorough and methodical investigation and documentation of system requirements
- In-depth analysis of the system requirements
- Modelling system's process and data structures.
- User interface prototyping
- Analyzing aspects such as change management, training needs, deployment and/or maintenance of the new/modified system.
Critères supplé mentaires pour entreprise
Les entreprises doivent répondre aux questions suivantes pour soumettre une demande de jumelage pour cette expérience:
Provide team feedback twice over the semester.
Be available to attend a single kick-off/project scope meeting with all teams during the second week of the term. The kick-off will be a Q & A opportunity for all teams to solidify their understanding of scope and requirements.
Commit to a minimum of 4 interactions with the student teams remotely, approximately 4–6 hours minimum over the duration of the project. These contacts are likely to be Q&A sessions or requests for additional information or clarification.
Provide a dedicated contact who is available to answer periodic emails or phone calls over the duration of the project to address students' questions in a timely manner.
Be available for a quick phone call with the instructor to initiate your relationship and confirm your scope is an appropriate fit for the course.
janvier 17, 2022Début de expérience
janvier 29, 2022Project Scope Meeting
février 7, 2022Company & Project Overview
mars 10, 2022System Design
mars 14, 2022System Analysis
avril 6, 2022Final Presentation
avril 16, 2022Fin de expérience
janvier 17, 2022Début de expérience
janvier 29, 2022Project Scope Meeting
Meeting between students and company to confirm: project scope, communication styles, and important dates.
février 7, 2022Company & Project Overview
Students will submit (on Canvas) an overview of the company, the industry it operates in as well as the undertaken system (project), the project scope and a preliminary project plan.
mars 10, 2022System Design
Structure data requirements; Preliminary database and forms and reports design (as needed); Interface design. The deliverable will be submitted on Canvas and can be shared with the company to provide an update and/or get feedback.
mars 14, 2022System Analysis
Students will conduct a comprehensive feasibility analysis, investigate and analyze system requirements and model process requirements. This deliverable will be submitted on Canvas as well as shared with the company on Riipen. Company contact will provide feedback to the team(s) by Feb. 27.
avril 6, 2022Final Presentation
Presentation: due by April 5 on Canvas; In-class, virtual presentations on April 6. Submit the final draft of the Project Report to the company for review and critical feedback before the presentation. The company may attend presentations. To be discussed with the instructor in advance.
avril 16, 2022Fin de expérience