CRM Implementation Plan

MARK 2040
George Brown College
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Stephanie Wallace
Elle / Elle
  • septembre 19, 2024
    Début de expérience
  • décembre 12, 2024
    Fin de expérience
1/1 match de projet
Dates fixées par le expérience
Entreprises privilégiées
Sole proprietorship, Startup, Entreprise familiale, Small to medium enterprise
N'importe qu'elle industrie

Portée de Expérience

Segmentation de la clientèle Marketing numérique Génération de leads Analyse marketing Marketing strategy
marketing crm market research
Objectifs et capacités de

The learning outcomes this assignment works towards are:

·      Examine the effective use of CRM in sales and marketing functions to recommend a CRM strategy and tool.

·      Analyze Customer Relationship Marketing best practices to provide strategic customer focused marketing tactics.


The specific learning objectives that will be achieved by the learner are:

·      Craft a positioning matrix and related value proposition.

·      Project a clear understanding and analysis of market and customer segmentation.

·      Build a qualification model for leads and customers.

·      Develop a vendor analysis framework to recommend the optimal tool for the client.

·      Recommend the best CRM strategy and tool to improve customer relationships for an organization.

·      Create a strategic customer relationship marketing plan for an organization.
étudiant.e de cycle supérieur
Niveau Intermédiaire
47 dans le programme
40 heures par apprenant.e
Les Professeur.euses affectent les à des projets
Équipes de 5
Résultats et livrables attendus

Students will design a thoughtful and professional CRM implementation plan in a Word doc (25%) and a PowerPoint presentation (10%) that showcases their expertise as strategic marketing consultants. 

Chronologie du projet
  • septembre 19, 2024
    Début de expérience
  • décembre 12, 2024
    Fin de expérience

Exemples de projets


Businesses looking to incorporate a CRM framework from a strategic perspective as well as a CRM tool. Businesses may already have a tool that they are using, but would be seeking advice on how to fully implement it so that it aligns to their CRM strategy.