ICT Ignite Cyber (November 12th - December 6th)

ICT Ignite
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
ICT Ignite Program Team
Program Team
  • novembre 13, 2024
    Début de expérience
  • décembre 7, 2024
    Fin de expérience
4/6 match de projet
Dates fixées par le expérience
Ententes requises
Paiement par le bailleur de fonds C$1,400.00
Entreprises privilégiées
Startup, Large enterprise, Non profit, Small to medium enterprise, Entreprise sociale
N'importe qu'elle industrie

Portée de Expérience

Sécurité (cybersécurité et sécurité informatique)
network security encryption incident response coding forensics threat detection engineering threat defence operations team work report writing presentations
Objectifs et capacités de apprenant.es

60-hour, fully-subsidized, cybersecurity internships for Canadian employers. 

Learners are paid a $1400 CAD stipend on completion of the project by Riipen. Employers are not required to provide payment. 

  • Submit a project here for the ICT Ignite team to review. 
  • Once approved, you will be matched with a team of 5 participants.
  • Projects should start on November 12th and must be completed within 4 weeks.
  • Projects must be completed by December 6th.

The learners are graduates of the Lighthouse Labs Cybersecurity Program. These individuals have just wrapped up immersive, hands-on training in cybersecurity. They can review your current practice, highlight potential problems, evaluate security issues, assess risk, and recommend & implement tailored solutions to defend against threats to your networks or computer systems.

They are ready to bring the lens of a Cybersecurity Analyst, Information Security Analyst, Incident Responder/Handler, Network Security Specialist, and Risk Analyst.

Report areas you can request include: 

  • Vulnerability Assessment report 
  • Security Architecture overview and recommendations
  • Investigation & Research report

You can find out more about these reports here.

If you have questions or need help drafting your project content please email us at ictignite@riipen.com. You can also find all of our help articles here.

ICT Ignite Cyber is Funded by Upskill Canada [powered by Palette Skills] and the Government of Canada.


Développement de la main-d'oeuvre
Niveau Débutant, Intermédiaire
350 apprenant.es dans le programme
60 heures par apprenant.e
Les Professeur.euses affectent les apprenant.es à des projets
Projets individuels
Chaque apprenant.e peut rejoindre jusqu'à une équipe
Résultats et livrables attendus

Cybersecurity graduates are versed in a wide range of topics including network security, vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, incident response, malware analysis, security awareness training, secure coding, and more. 

Deliverables will vary depending on the project scope. After the project concludes, you will have assets that can be used to further your business goals, such as a completed cybersecurity analysis report.

Given the short, remote nature of ICT Ignite Cyber we require a project-based experience. If your project looks like a job posting, we can not accept it. Please provide a concrete scope for the learner’s work and limit their work to a specific project.

We have pinned an example project template to this experience which you can use as a starting point.  If you choose to use a template from our library, ensure that you have added as much context for your business needs as possible.

Note: If learners are completing confidential work that you do not want to be shared through Riipen, you can create and sign off on a timesheet for the learner. In this case, we might also recommend that you have the learners sign an NDA before starting your project. You can use the Agreements feature to do this.

Chronologie du projet
  • novembre 13, 2024
    Début de expérience
  • décembre 7, 2024
    Fin de expérience

Exemples de projets


Learners bring a wide range of skills including 

  • Network security
  • Encryption
  • Incident response
  • Coding, Forensics
  • Threat detection engineering
  • Threat defence operations
  • Team work
  • Report writing
  • Presentations

Specific report areas you can request: 

  • Vulnerability Assessment report 
  • Security Architecture overview and recommendations
  • Investigation & Research report

You can find out more about these reports here. 

Projects should be approximately 60 hours in length per learner and are to be completed over 2-4 weeks. Each project should require the contributions of 5 learners (300 hours in total). Check out this guide on best practices for working with ICT Ignite Cyber learners.

Critères supplé mentaires pour entreprise

Les entreprises doivent répondre aux questions suivantes pour soumettre une demande de jumelage pour cette expérience:

  • Q1 - Texte court
    What is the postal code of your organization?  *
  • Q2 - Choix multiple
    What is the size of your organization?  *
    • Large (500+)
    • Medium (100-499)
    • Small (10-99)
    • Micro (1-9)
  • Q3 - Nombre
    Please provide your business number (BN)
  • Q4 - Choix multiple
    If you do not have a 9-digit business number, what is the reason?  *
    • Does not file information returns
    • Earns less than $30K in revenue per year
    • Not a registered charity
    • Not incorporated
    • + 2 options
  • Q5 - Choix multiple
    Is the leadership of your organization (founding employees/executives/etc.) a member of at least one of the following demographic groups?  *
    • A member of an Official Language Minority Community (my first language is english and I'm from Quebec, or French and I'm from another province/territory)
    • A visible minority
    • A woman in STEM or another discipline where women are underrepresented
    • Newcomer to Canada (Canadian Citizens, permanent residents and refugees with valid work permits who have immigrated to Canada within the last five years)
    • + 6 options
  • Q6 - Choix multiple
    Is your organization within one or more of the following sectors?  *
    • Digital Technology
    • Cybersecurity
    • Clean Technology
    • Advanced Manufacturing
    • + 3 options
  • Q7 - Case à cocher
  • Q8 - Case à cocher
  • Q9 - Case à cocher
  • Q10 - Case à cocher
  • Q11 - Case à cocher
  • Q12 - Choix multiple
    Is there an IT team or IT/Cyber professional at your organization available to support a team working on this project?  *
    • Yes
    • No
  • Q14 - Choix multiple
    If you're requesting one of the Cyber Security Reports, which would you like?
    • Vulnerability Assessment Report
    • Security Architecture overview and recommendations
    • Investigation & Research report
  • Q15 - Texte court
    Please describe the final deliverable(s) that you expect from learners working on this project.  *