Détails de la rétroaction
Rétroaction d'equipe
Team One (Jose) was very conscientious and thorough in his approach to this project. He delivered one of the best reports we received on any of our projects. A very independent worker, Jose had a good grasp of the subject matter and was the only student who got the key functions of our app right off the bat.
Canva (software)
Marketing planning
Social media content
Social media marketing
Social media
Search engine optimization
Workflow management
- Auteur
- Expérience
- Level UP: Multidisciplinary Projects (2022 - March 2023)
- Projet
- Social Media Marketing Campaign
- Créé
- août 30, 2022
Canva (software)
Marketing planning
Social media content
Social media marketing
Social media
Search engine optimization
Workflow management