Détails de la rétroaction

Téflexion critique
Questions personnalisées
  • Q1 - Texte court
    What notable qualities or skills did the student demonstrate throughout the project?
    Strong ability to work as a team.
  • Q2 - Texte court
    How did the student engage with stakeholders during the project?
    Could benefit from more experience and guidance on how to communicate.
  • Q3 - Texte court
    Did the student effectively manage their time and meet project deadlines? If so, how? If not, what areas could they improve in?
    Yes, by planning and asking questions about areas needing further clarity.
  • Rétroaction d'equipe

    Matthew demonstrates a positive attitude and a proactive approach in his work, which greatly contributes to his effectiveness. With a focused effort on refining his communication skills, he has the potential to enhance his impact even further.
    Presentations Financial analysis Investor relations Venture capital Marketing materials Marketing Relationship management Investment banking Customer relationship management Investments
    Tom Budai
    Managing Director
    Level UP: May 2024
    Marketing & Sales - Rhiza Capital
    Presentations Financial analysis Investor relations Venture capital Marketing materials Marketing Relationship management Investment banking Customer relationship management Investments
    novembre 1, 2024