Détails de la rétroaction

Téflexion critique

Rétroaction d'equipe

Approbation individuelle
Social media marketing Marketing Social media Business development Branding

Great work in providing of exact the request of deliverables. The project initiative was completed as requested and the student did not need to be micromanaged in any way. After multiple conversations, the initiative was shown and all aspects defined were taken to task and completed. Communication and critical thinking, problem solving and professionalism were displayed at all times. Continued success to you and success in all your business endeavors.

Continued proficient work in providing of the exact the request of deliverables. The project initiative was completed as requested and the student did not need to be micromanaged in any way. After multiple conversations, the initiative was shown and all aspects defined were taken to task and completed. Communication and critical thinking, problem solving and professionalism were displayed at all times. Continued success to you and success in all your business endeavors.
Social media Target audience Digital marketing Infographics Social media advertising Web traffic Search engine marketing Blog posts Landing page optimization Marketing
Jeff Goodfield
Level UP: September 2023 - March 2024
sweepstakes.ca Digital Marketing Strategy Phase 2
Social media Target audience Digital marketing Infographics Social media advertising Web traffic Search engine marketing Blog posts Landing page optimization Marketing
avril 9, 2024