BetterLTC Research Assistant - Using Instagram as a knowledge mobilization tool

Portée du projet
Santé Communications Gestion de projet Engagement communautaire Technologie de l'informationCompétences
instagram content canva (software) long-term care surveying researchProject: Our program of research is situated in older adults, long-term care, education, and practice. The focus of the project is using instagram as a tool for healthcare workers caring with older adults to connect, learn, and reflect on their practice. The project is situated within an interprofessional team, using a patient-oriented research approach.
Roles and Responsibilites:
- Co-create 15 Instagram posts on topics relevant to carers, older adults, and staff
- Archive 30 existing posts within the website
- Co-design a reoccurring release process of Instagram posts - one weekly for 52 weeks
- Other responsibilities as negotiated
- Research evidence to inform the development of the new Instagram posts
- Using CANVA (or equivalent tool) co-create 15 new Instagram posts
- Review and update existing 30 Instagram posts - relevancy and accuracy
- Develop tool for surveying effectiveness of posts as knowledge mobilization tool
- Establish a method for the reoccurring release of the Instagram posts on a weekly basis for 52 weeks.
Our team consists of experienced researchers, research assistance and family partners. Weekly support is available with mentorship. As a patient-oriented research team, inclusivity is very important and building capacity. We welcome diverse students.
Causes prises en charge
Les défis mondiaux auxquels ce projet s'attaque, en accord avec les objectifs de développement durable (ODD) des Nations unies. En savoir plus sur les 17 ODD ici.
À propos de l'entreprise
BetterLTC (led by Dr. Roslyn M. Compton) was established in 2013, becoming a not-for-profit organization in 2025. The team is interprofessional, national and international, and intergenerational (age range 18-85 years; 15 older adults between 65-85 years of age). Through our collaborations and partnerships with for-profit and not-for-profit community organizations, BetterLTC acts through knowledge mobilization, education, advocacy, and policy to challenge ageist healthcare services to support older adults to grow older in their choice of place with the support and services needed. Current partners include Sherbrooke Community Centre, Saskatoon; Golden Health Care Management Inc., Saskatoon; 3 rural and 3 urban long-term care homes in Saskatchewan; Saskatoon Fire Services; College of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta; College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, University of Saskatchewan; St. Thomas More College, Saskatoon; University of Regina, Regina; Memory Café, Crossmount Saskatoon; Saskatoon Council on Aging; Saskatchewan Long-term Care Network; Interprofessional Education, USask Health Science; the Saskatchewan Health Authority; Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association; Nav-CARE, British Columbia; and, the Canadian Red Cross.