Analyzing Sales Trends

Szechuan Sweet Mango
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Parcours académique
60 heures de travail au total
N'importe où
Niveau Intermédiaire

Portée du projet

Étude de marché Segmentation de la clientèle Expansion du marché Stratégie de vente Analyse marketing
sales process sales strategy sales analysis promotional merchandise management sales

We believe we have a good handle on our customer but we are lacking some knowledge into the acquisition of our customers. It is important for us to go back to the data we have on our sales process to determine key trends and patterns that will help us make informed decisions for the future of our business.

Some areas that we hope to analyze include, but are not limited to, sales cycle length, average sale price, average ROI/customer, buying behaviours, etc.

Our business will use data retrieved from this report to make informed decisions for our sales strategy in the future.


At the end of this collaboration, we hope to have a detailed report of the key data that students gather. The data should reflect aspects of our sales cycle that we should be utilizing to make informed sales decisions about offers for customers, pricing adjustments, promotional items, etc.

The student findings should be organized in a way that is easy to draw upon. It should also include the corresponding hard data for us to reflect upon and present to our management.


Students will connect directly with the employer for mentorship and supervision throughout the project with weekly and/or biweekly meetings with our teams.

À propos de l'entreprise

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
2 - 10 employé.es
Food & beverage

We are a family-owned and operated restaurant located in the heart of Edmonton. We have been in business for over 25 years and are looking to expand in this market with modern and innovative business development methods!