Value Stream Mapping

OPER 3235
Conestoga College
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
  • février 5, 2024
    Début de expérience
  • avril 5, 2024
    Fin de expérience
4/4 match de projet
Dates fixées par le expérience
Entreprises privilégiées
N'importe où
Tout type de entreprise
N'importe qu'elle industrie

Portée de Expérience

Analyse des données Optimisation de la chaîne d'approvisionnement Opérations Gestion de projet Product management
value stream mapping lean manufacturing research process improvement
Objectifs et capacités de

Conestoga College is renowned for its commitment to producing industry-ready graduates. In this capstone course, Value Stream Mapping, our students are equipped with the skills to create, develop, and recommend improvement plans for organizations, whether they are product or service-based. Through the application of modern value stream mapping analysis tools and lean techniques, our students craft practical solutions that enhance customer value, improve productivity, and elevate operational and financial performance.

Our students are dynamic and driven, ready to take on the real-world challenges your business faces. They bring fresh perspectives and a hunger for success. With a diverse range of skills and experiences, they are well-prepared to collaborate and provide tangible value to your organization.
Niveau Intermédiaire
15 dans le programme
56 heures par apprenant.e
Les Professeur.euses affectent les à des projets
Équipes de 3
Résultats et livrables attendus

Deliverables are negotiable, and will seek to align the needs of the learners and the organization. 

Some final project deliverables might include: 

  1. A 10-15 minute presentation on key findings and recommendations
  2. A detailed report including their research, analysis, insights and recommendations
Chronologie du projet
  • février 5, 2024
    Début de expérience
  • avril 5, 2024
    Fin de expérience

Exemples de projets


Learners in groups of 3-5 will work with your company to identify your needs and provide actionable recommendations, based on their in-depth research and analysis.

Project activities that learners can complete may include, but are not limited to: 

  • Completing a Value Stream mapping project to objectively identify, clarify, and document how the organization employs all of its resources in the delivery of customer value.
  • Utilizing a system thinking approach to improve productivity, operational, and financial performance and competitiveness in an organization.
  • Creating and presenting a professional and comprehensive improvement plan report for stakeholders, to identify areas of value creation and waste reduction based on value stream mapping.
  • Providing an analysis on required data and effectively sharing solutions to help organizations deliver increased customer value, improved productivity, and improved operational and financial performance.
  • Effectively managing and executing projects using time management, communication, and risk mitigation strategies that and timelines are successfully achieved. 

Critères supplé mentaires pour entreprise

Les entreprises doivent répondre aux questions suivantes pour soumettre une demande de jumelage pour cette expérience:

  • Q1 - Case à cocher
  • Q2 - Case à cocher
  • Q3 - Case à cocher
  • Q4 - Case à cocher
  • Q5 - Texte court
    How is your project relevant to the experience?  *