EMBA and MBA consulting

août 6, 2021Début de expérience
mars 2, 2021Project Scope Meeting
octobre 28, 2021Fin de expérience
août 6, 2021Début de expérience
mars 2, 2021Project Scope Meeting
Meeting between students and company to confirm: project scope, communication styles, and important dates.
octobre 28, 2021Fin de expérience
Portée de Expérience
Comptabilité Étude de marché Opérations Gestion de projet Lancement d'un produit ou d'un serviceCompétences
competitive analysis business consulting business strategy marketing strategyEvery organisation encounters certain challenges internally and/or externally. This project provides the opportunity for your organisation to propose a real business challenge, and receive real business solutions from EMBA and MBA students.
Students will submit a long form report with a detailed analysis and recommendations based on the challenge. You will receive a copy of the report as well as the final presentation
Chronologie du projet
août 6, 2021Début de expérience
mars 2, 2021Project Scope Meeting
octobre 28, 2021Fin de expérience
août 6, 2021Début de expérience
mars 2, 2021Project Scope Meeting
Meeting between students and company to confirm: project scope, communication styles, and important dates.
octobre 28, 2021Fin de expérience
Exemples de projets
During this exciting course, EMBA and MBA students will be experiencing the business consulting industry. Students will be tasked with synthesising a consulting solution to real challenges facing your organisation, anywhere in the world.
The nature of the project is completely up to your organisation, and at the end of this project students will deliver a consulting report to provide your organisation with innovative business solutions.
This opportunity will provide your organisation with real business solutions to real challenges, as well as providing exposure for your organisation among high-quality graduates.
Over the course of the project, groups of student-consultants will synthesise a consulting report based on your challenge, produced in collaboration with academic, industry and best practice input.
The types of business consulting projects are flexible and can range from financial analysis, to market analysis, to product portfolio analysis, to market research, and more. The nature of the project is up to the client organization. Once projects are selected, student teams will meet with the client to discuss the scope of the project and complete a Consulting Project Engagement Form for the client’s signature. If a nondisclosure agreement (NDA) needs to be signed due to the proprietary nature of the work, this can be discussed and executed.
Client Responsibilities RMIT understands that clients are very busy and do not have extensive time available to meet with student teams. Therefore, the expectation of client-team contact is to set up an initial meeting in which the project and expectations are discussed, scope laid out, and Consulting Project Engagement Form signed. After the initial meeting, contact between the client is on an adhoc basis, but communication should at least be bi-weekly for the team to discuss the status (update) of the work to be completed. Clients must attend the final class presentations online.
Critères supplé mentaires pour entreprise
Les entreprises doivent répondre aux questions suivantes pour soumettre une demande de jumelage pour cette expérience:
Critères supplé mentaires pour entreprise
Les entreprises doivent répondre aux questions suivantes pour soumettre une demande de jumelage pour cette expérience:
août 6, 2021Début de expérience
mars 2, 2021Project Scope Meeting
octobre 28, 2021Fin de expérience
août 6, 2021Début de expérience
mars 2, 2021Project Scope Meeting
Meeting between students and company to confirm: project scope, communication styles, and important dates.
octobre 28, 2021Fin de expérience