Innovative solutions to business problems

juillet 26, 2020Début de expérience
juillet 31, 2020Project Scope Meetings to be advised
octobre 23, 2020Fin de expérience
juillet 26, 2020Début de expérience
juillet 31, 2020Project Scope Meetings to be advised
Meeting between students and company to confirm: project scope, communication styles, and important dates.
octobre 23, 2020Fin de expérience
Portée de Expérience
business consulting writing and presentation skills research accounting & financeThis summer, we are seeking business partners to work collaboratively and share different insights into business problems with accounting/business students from Australia. These students are 4th year undergraduate students in their final year of study. The students have gained exposure to real life business problems from their 12 month placement in the workforce and have developed problem solving skills which can be applied to the identification of innovative solutions to business problems.
Student presentation of Project Report including executive summary and recommendation(s).
Chronologie du projet
juillet 26, 2020Début de expérience
juillet 31, 2020Project Scope Meetings to be advised
octobre 23, 2020Fin de expérience
juillet 26, 2020Début de expérience
juillet 31, 2020Project Scope Meetings to be advised
Meeting between students and company to confirm: project scope, communication styles, and important dates.
octobre 23, 2020Fin de expérience
Exemples de projets
Students will be working on providing innovative business solutions to a business challenge or opportunity of your choosing. Past examples include:
(i) developing financial models and forecasts to identify innovation opportunities in pricing and cost structures in the travel industry in Sweden;
(ii) industry and market analysis to identify emerging innovation opportunities for fertilizer manufacturers in Switzerland;
(iii) tracking and evaluating competitor innovation developments in fraud risk assessment and monitoring in Germany;
(iv) development of business case to support a Fintech startup in South Africa;
(v) review existing accounting system for a large business in Canada and develop recommendations for improvments.
Critères supplé mentaires pour entreprise
Les entreprises doivent répondre aux questions suivantes pour soumettre une demande de jumelage pour cette expérience:
Critères supplé mentaires pour entreprise
Les entreprises doivent répondre aux questions suivantes pour soumettre une demande de jumelage pour cette expérience:
juillet 26, 2020Début de expérience
juillet 31, 2020Project Scope Meetings to be advised
octobre 23, 2020Fin de expérience
juillet 26, 2020Début de expérience
juillet 31, 2020Project Scope Meetings to be advised
Meeting between students and company to confirm: project scope, communication styles, and important dates.
octobre 23, 2020Fin de expérience