Leila Kubesch
mai 22, 2024
Rétroaction d'expérience
The intern just started. She is eager to learn and looks forward to her internship.
Psychology and Social Sciences Practicum
Franklin University
Empower and inspire educators in K-12 setting
Parents 2 Partners
Rahi Tajzadeh
Il / Lui
février 29, 2024
Rétroaction d'expérience
A pleasure to work with the incredible faculty and students. Easy to communicate with, fast responses, great work, and enthusiastic students.
Team and Project Management
Franklin University
Project Management: Scaling and Operations for a start up
The Big Leaf
Pat Crosscombe
Founder & CEO
février 18, 2024
Rétroaction d'expérience
I had a wonderful experience working with the team of students on this project. I appreciated their attentive approach towards the work and their curiousity about my company. We even had some fun moments with my mascot who kept interrupting the class.
Their questions and final report made me think about my current marketing strategy and how it could be improved.
The organization of the course is excellent and provides a great format. The course is short, intensive, and provides a comprehensive report at the end.
Organizational Communications Strategies Audit
Franklin University
BoardSpace Strategic Marketing and Social Media Review