Regent University
Regent University
Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States

Regent University is the nation's academic center for Christian thought and action, with a multitude of on-campus and online programs available worldwide. Our academic standards for both our graduate and undergraduate programs are high and our programs rigorous. But what sets Regent apart is our mission to prepare capable men and women to excel both in mind and spirit. Our students, faculty and administrators share a calling, founded on biblical principles, to make a significant difference in our communities, our cities, our nation and our world.

Profils sociaux

Expériences récentes

C++ Data Structures and Algorithms

CSCI 315

Mai 20, 2022 - Jul 2, 2022

Understanding how science and math work in a created world, and how computer science is a tool whereby we can serve our fellow man, are key to answering several of the discussion questions in this course. The student will be required to compare important concepts in programming.

Admin Charles Turnitsa
Jumelages 0
Catégorie Développement de logiciels + 3

Marketing Plan (Spr22D) Fulks


Mar 12, 2022 - Mai 12, 2022

Undergraduate student teams will collaborate with an organization to conduct an in-depth SWOT analysis and target market assessment, suggest meaningful and measurable goals based on internal and external business factors, and provide a detailed marketing action plan that will enable the company to achieve the recommended goals.

Admin Takenya Fulks
Jumelages 4
Catégorie Analyse concurrentielle + 2

BUSN 240-Marketing Principles

BUSN 240

Oct 29, 2022 - Déc 18, 2022

Undergraduate student teams will collaborate with an organization to conduct an in-depth SWOT analysis and target market assessment, suggest meaningful and measurable goals based on internal and external business factors, and provide a detailed marketing action plan that will enable the company to achieve the recommended goals.

Admin Lauren VanTalia
Jumelages 19
Catégorie Marketing sur les réseaux sociaux + 4

Marketing Plan A(FALL 2023) Fulks 10/23/23

BUSN 240

Oct 23, 2023 - Déc 16, 2023

Undergraduate student teams will collaborate with an organization to conduct an in-depth SWOT analysis and target market assessment, suggest meaningful and measurable goals based on internal and external business factors, and provide a detailed marketing action plan that will enable the company to achieve the recommended goals.

Admin Takenya Fulks
Jumelages 2
Catégorie Analyse concurrentielle + 2

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