Intermediate Programming Challenge

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Jordan Ell
Parcours académique
20 heures de travail au total
N'importe où
Niveau Intermédiaire

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gold mining github

This project represents Riipen's "Gold Mine" programmging problem.

Click here to see the Github repository.


Given a gold mine of n * m dimensions, design an algorithm for a gold miner to collect as much gold as possible. Each field in this mine contains a positive integer which is the amount of gold in that space. The miner starts at the first column but can be at any row. The miner can only move right, diagonally right and up, or diagonally right and down.

GoldMine Diagram

If the miner leaves the mine for any reason (goes outside the dimensions of the mine), gold collection will cease and the final score will be the current score.

If the miner lands on a section of the mine that has zero gold (an integer value of 0), gold collection will cease and the final score will be the current score.


- Use your best discretion with the design of your solution

- You can ask questions

- You are free to add packages, tools, or improvements as you see fit

- We expect you write the kind of feature you would put into production, including tests and documentation as you see fit


Please submit a ZIP file which contains your solution.


The current naive approach to mining can be found in `src/move.js`. Your job will be to improve upon the existing implementation in order to collect as much gold as possible.

If you wish to start your miner at a particular row of a given mine, you can change the `config.js` file to fit your needs.


We encourage you to use your best discretion, but also to ask questions and communicate if you need it.

Aucun élément livrable n'existe pour ce projet.

À propos de l'entreprise

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
51 - 200 employé.es

Riipen’s project-based learning platform leverages thousands of business and nonprofit partnerships to help higher education easily implement and scale projects that enhance learner employability.