Jordan Ell
Jordan Ell
Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada

I am the director of Technology at Riipen. I write code, process requirements, and keep us wanting more.

Conception de l'expérience utilisateur Développement d'applications mobiles Sécurité (cybersécurité et sécurité informatique) Apprentissage automatique Intelligence artificielle

Profils sociaux


Dernières rétroactions

Brian Paredes002
juillet 20, 2023
Rétroaction de projet
Everyone we worked with were very respectful, available, and helpful throughout the whole process.
Miami Dade College
Cloud Computing Capstone - AWS Solutions Architecture
Miami Dade College
Cloud Infrastructure Review and Audit
Jayme Liu
Jayme Liu
Il / Lui
Industry Engagement Coordinator
octobre 13, 2023
Rétroaction de projet
Thank you again for such a valuable project and for the support of our students. It has been a great learning journey.
RMIT University
Undergraduate of Information Technology and Computer Science Project
RMIT University
Open Source REST API Ruby Client
Tokunbo Makanju
Associate Professor
décembre 11, 2023
Rétroaction de projet
It was a great project, which contributed immensely to the students applying their knowledge in a practical, hands-on setting. I would like to thank Jordan for his contribution in this experience and the consistent smooth and collaborative communication we had with him. He was generous in responding to students inquires and provided them with the rationale behind the decisions made in the design and development of the application. The encouragement of creative thinking led the students to explore new paths, identifying vulnerabilities and effectively reporting them. As a result of their contributions, students earned recognition in Riipen’s hall of fame. I truly appreciate Riipen for providing the learning opportunity for students and Jordan for his patience, support, and his help whenever the students required assistance
Vancouver | New York Institute of Technology (NYIT)
Cyber Security Consultancy
Vancouver | New York Institute of Technology (NYIT)
Pen Testing New Application

Projets récents

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Cloud Infrastructure Review and Audit

The main goal of the project will be to take an existing cloud architecture for a modern web application, review and audit it against industry standards for security, scalability, availability and consider other factors such as pricing and produce either a proof of concept or a written report which details possible improvements and different services which can be better utilized to improve the cloud architecture.

Jumelages 3
Catégorie Matériel
Riipen Test Company 1
Riipen Test Company 1
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Big Data and Cloud Based Application Development

Riipen has a number of search, or browse, pages scattered throughout its web platform. We would like students to: a) redesign these pages to accommodate some new functionality b) implement new optimized search functionality through the use of elastic search c) implement recommendations based on given search criteria d) setup up a logging infrastructure to capture what is being searched for and by whom Youtube submission of project Code uploaded to GitHub

Jumelages 0
Catégorie Analyse concurrentielle
Riipen Test Company 1
Riipen Test Company 1
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Search Engine in The Wild

Riipen has a large set of data being created every day from its online platform. A challenge we face is for users to be able get the information they need when they need it by searching appropriate fields, or by conducting a free text search ala Google. Given a large relational data set, students should be able to provide a storage facility for said data such as a relational database, or document store, with an API available to search the data. The data should be searchable by: Direct matching fields Given a field name and a value, the API should be able to find documents containing that field with that exact value. An example would be: Find all documents which have a name of "My Document". There are three types of fields which should be able to be matched: text values, number values, and date values. Fuzzy matching fields Given a field name and a value, the API should be able to find documents which container that field with "mostly" the given value. An example would be: find all documents which have a name of "My Docu" which would return a document with the name of "My Document" Fuzzy matching multiple fields by weight Given a list of field name and a weight, the API should be able to find documents which contain those fields with their corresponding matching fuzzy values, and rank them by their fields weight. For example, find all documents by the search term "My Document", but only search the "name" and "summary" fields and weight the name as 80% and summary as 20%. Two document each with the values "My Document" in their name and summaries should be found, however, the document with the value in the "name" field should be ranked first. Combining search techniques Given any number of search criteria as listed above, perform a search based on all criteria. All the criteria should have the option of being "must be present" or "may be present". For example, a search might include find all documents whose name are "My Document" and whose summary fuzzily contains the text "this is a summary". This would be an example of "must be present" as each search criteria must be met. Another example would be find all documents whose name are "My Document" or whose summary fuzzily contains the text "this is a summary". This would be an example of "may be present" as only one of the present search criteria must be met. Restrictions: The API provided in which to search can be anything from a command line interface to a UI. The interface must not make use of raw SQL. A report describing the complete project life-cycle. A class presentation with demo, if possible.

Jumelages 0
Catégorie Computer science - general
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Competitive Landscape Analysis for Riipen

Riipen, a company focused on connecting students with real-world projects, seeks to understand its position in the market by analyzing its competitive landscape. The goal of this project is to identify and evaluate key competitors in the educational technology and experiential learning sectors. Students will apply their classroom knowledge of market research and strategic analysis to gather data on competitors' strengths, weaknesses, market positioning, and unique offerings. This project will involve researching industry trends, analyzing competitors' business models, and identifying potential opportunities and threats for Riipen. By completing this project, students will gain practical experience in competitive analysis and strategic planning, enhancing their understanding of market dynamics. - Conduct market research to identify key competitors in the educational technology sector. - Analyze competitors' strengths, weaknesses, and market positioning. - Identify industry trends and potential opportunities for Riipen. - Provide strategic recommendations based on the analysis.

Jumelages 1
Catégorie Analyse concurrentielle + 1

Expérience professionnelle

Director of Technology
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
septembre 2016 - Présent

I am responsible for everything technology at Riipen. From our platform architecture to our delivery systems, I write code to make it happen and manage our team of technical wizards to make sure we deliver!


Master of Science, Computer Science
University of Victoria
juin 2013 - mai 2014
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science
University of Victoria
septembre 2008 - mai 2013