Carly Coughlin
Carly Coughlin

Dernières rétroactions

Darel Baker
Darel Baker
Co - Founder
décembre 22, 2024
Rétroaction d'expérience
The JAPT Consulting team was a great group to work with. The individual team members had varying degrees of direct contact with us however we had a series of team meetings arranged and we always were able to move the project forward. At one point there was some uncertainty around specific objectives and the team was very good at clarifying expectations of the project and any gaps they had in required information. We wish all team members well in their future endeavors!
TalentED YYC
Mount Royal University - ENTR 4433 Business Plan Development (September 2024)
TalentED YYC
Keldar Leadership
Keldar Leadership Business Plan Development
Keldar Leadership
Jay Beechinor
Il / Lui
décembre 23, 2024
Rétroaction d'expérience
I was extremely impressed with the quality of work that came from this group. They really did an outstanding job and the Business Plan they created was very extensive and professional.
TalentED YYC
Mount Royal University - ENTR 4433 Business Plan Development (September 2024)
TalentED YYC
Macguffin Distribution Inc / The JDB Film Company /
Macguffin Distribution ENTR 4433 Business Plan Development
Macguffin Distribution Inc / The JDB Film Company /
Dustin Bajer
Dustin Bajer
Il / Lui / Iel / Eux
décembre 20, 2024
Rétroaction d'expérience
The group was great to work with, and I am confident that I'll be able to implement many lessons from their business plan.
TalentED YYC
Mount Royal University - ENTR 4433 Business Plan Development (September 2024)
TalentED YYC
(Shrubscriber) ENTR 4433 Business Plan Development

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