Thompson Rivers University (TRU)
Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Data Analysis in Biology and Life Science
DASC 6310
Jan 10, 2022
Avr 2, 2022
Do you have a problem/challenge in data analysis in biology and life science that you would like to solve? In this project, student-consultants working in small groups will apply their knowledge of major concepts and techniques in biology to help your organization tackle a problem related to genome sequencing and analysis, database searching, population genomics analysis, protein sequence analysis, etc. The major goal of students is to develop skills for framing important biological hypotheses and deploying appropriate tools for testing those hypotheses. Approaches for data quality assessment and evaluation of computational tools is a major theme for students, and laboratory time has helped provide them with hands-on experience with analysis of DNA, RNA and protein sequence data, and the regulatory networks controlling gene expression and metabolic activity.
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