Hayden Azan
Apprenant.e -


Algorithms 1 Communication 1 Interface design 1 Research 1 Search engine optimization 1 Site maps 1 Strategic planning 1 Target audience 1 Ui components 1 Usability testing 1 User experience (ux) 1 User experience (ux) design 1 User feedback 1 User research 1 Web development 1


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Projets récents

LocalStudent Inc
LocalStudent Inc
Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada

User Experience (UX) Design

The main goal of this project is to enhance the user experience and streamline interactions with the company's digital platform. The UX designer aims to test our current interface and craft an intuitive and user-friendly website that resonates with potential customers. Through thoughtful design choices, seamless navigation, and clear communication, the designer's goal is to make the LocalStudent website effortless to navigate and engage with. This optimized user experience will not only facilitate easier interactions but also establish LocalStudent as an approachable and customer-centric company. Ultimately, the result will be increased sales and a stronger market presence, driven by the positive impact of a well-crafted user experience.

Jumelages 1
Catégorie Conception de l'expérience utilisateur
LocalStudent Inc
LocalStudent Inc
Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada

Search Engine Optimization Project for LocalStudent Inc.

The main goal of this project is to identify strategies, techniques and tactics to increase the number of visitors to the LocalStudent website and obtain a high-ranking placement in the results page of search engines. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: - Analyzing the current website and identifying areas for improvement. - Researching and understanding the algorithms used by search engines. - Developing a comprehensive SEO strategy. - Implementing the SEO strategy and tracking the results. - Optimizing the website for better performance. - Researching and implementing additional tactics to increase website traffic.

Jumelages 3
Catégorie Étude de marché + 3