Chloe Hau
Chief Operating Officer - Elle / Elle
Analyse des données Analyse concurrentielle Marketing numérique Optimisation pour les moteurs de recherche


Dernières rétroactions

Projets récents

GOAT Vintage
GOAT Vintage

Upcycling Campus Wear Business Proposal

The main goal for the project is to create a business proposal for GOAT Vintage to upcycle returned/donated campus wear into new products for the campus bookstore. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: - Researching the process of upcycling and its environmental benefits. - Analyzing the returned campus wear to determine potential new product ideas. - Developing a cost analysis for the upcycling process. - Creating a marketing plan to promote the new upcycled products to the campus bookstore. - Presenting the business proposal to the company's leadership team.

Jumelages 3
Catégorie Expansion du marché + 4
GOAT Vintage
GOAT Vintage

Buy Back Program Launch

Integrate a Buy back/Loyalty program into our Shopify store. Primary focus will be to "close the loop" on circular fashion by implementing a streamlined process for customers to sell their used products back to us and create a rewards/loyalty program.

Jumelages 0
Catégorie Opérations + 1
GOAT Vintage
GOAT Vintage

SEO Strategy

Our team is looking to take our website to the next level in order to drive traffic to our pages. To do this, we hope to improve our search engine optimization. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Researching keywords to determine the most relevant terms that our customers search for. Researching Search Engine Optimization requirements for us to rank on the first page of Google. Working with the platform Semrush to optimize website visibility by compiling competitive research, backlinking and on page and technical SEO.

Jumelages 3
Catégorie Communications + 4