Jaiditya Sharma
Curriculum vitae
Jaiditya Sharma.pdf


Market research 2 Blog posts 1 Coaching 1 Communication 1 Content creation 1 Content development 1 Content marketing 1 Customer engagement 1 Digital marketing 1 Industry analysis 1 Infographics 1 Literature reviews 1 Market segmentation 1 Market size 1 Organizational change management 1 Organizational leadership 1 Reliability 1 Self-discipline 1 Social media 1 Software as a service (saas) 1 Strategic thinking 1 Swot analysis 1 Tiktok 1


Dernières rétroactions

Pranjal Dutta
Pranjal Dutta
mars 28, 2024
Approbation individuelle
Communication Strategic thinking

Great work. Excellent communication and deliverables.

Rétroaction d'equipe
Great work. Excellent communication and deliverables.
Content marketing Digital marketing Customer engagement Infographics Content development Blog posts Content creation Software as a service (saas) Social media Tiktok
DeGroote School of Business - McMaster University
Level UP: DeGroote School of Business
DeGroote School of Business - McMaster University
KDIT Solutions Inc.
Market Research and Content Creation for Launching a New SaaS Solution
KDIT Solutions Inc.
Bolt Jennifer
Elle / Elle
mai 6, 2024
Approbation individuelle
Market research Swot analysis Industry analysis Reliability Market segmentation Literature reviews

Jai's work on this project was outstanding. I would highly recommend him for future work. He is not only adept at marketing research but also brings wonderful creative, out of the box thinking to the table that was invaluable to our project.

Rétroaction d'equipe
Jai's work on this project was outstanding in every way. He is an exceptionally thoughtful, courteous, hard-working professional that we would highly recommend. In relation to the project, Jai went above and beyond our expectations including being one of the few individuals who took us up on our offer of mentorship. Jai's request for weekly meetings to discuss his findings quickly evolved into invaluable brainstorming sessions on how PRIMED could pre-emptively address nursing burnout in Ontario. His own passion and interest in support of the nursing profession, coupled with his belief in PRIMED resulted in a powerful new avenue for our business. The synergy he helped to uncover between the PRIMED framework and the nursing profession means that we will be using his report and findings to seriously explore this avenue. Not only is Jai adept at delivering on all the crucial components of a strong marketing report, but he also provided us with a literature review to ensure that our collective instincts around the theoretical connections between PRIMED and the nursing profession were supported by peer reviewed journal articles. As such, our rapport with Jai will now extend beyond this one-time project. We are actively exploring ways to keep him involved in our business in the future. In sum, it was an absolute pleasure working with Jai, both personally and professionally. We are so grateful for how he instigated the exploration of uncharted territory with PRIMED and the nursing profession.
Coaching Self-discipline Organizational change management Organizational leadership Market size Market research
DeGroote School of Business - McMaster University
Level UP: DeGroote School of Business
DeGroote School of Business - McMaster University
PRIMED For Life Market Research

Projets récents

KDIT Solutions Inc.
KDIT Solutions Inc.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Market Research and Content Creation for Launching a New SaaS Solution

In this project, students will engage in comprehensive market research and content development for an upcoming Software as a Service (SaaS) solution. The goal is to identify and analyze target customers, examine competitor websites, and create compelling, fresh content. This content will form the foundation for various digital platforms including the company website, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. This project not only provides practical experience in market research and content creation but also offers exposure to the dynamic world of digital marketing in the SaaS industry.

Jumelages 3
Catégorie Communications + 3
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

PRIMED For Life Market Research

  Problem Statement:  Think back to one of your life’s most significant periods of change. Perhaps you became a new parent or supported a child through a major developmental change. Maybe you entered a new educational milestone, or just entered the work force. Maybe you had to navigate through corporate restructuring or changed careers altogether. Did you thrive through this change, or did you feel as though you were just surviving? While change is an inevitable fact of life, many people do not have the necessary tools to know how to transition effectively through situational change and as result most of us become survivors instead of thrivers.   Current State:  PRIMED™ for Life Education Inc. (PLE) supports individuals, institutions, and organizations navigate through significant changes by addressing the transition experience using an evidence-based transformative health and well-being framework. When an individual or organization is faced with a difficult transition there are two likely outcomes; thrive or survive. Once taught, PRIMED™ individuals thrive. Not only do they thrive, but they also lead others to thrive too, thus enabling the desired outcome the change requires. And since PRIMED™ is a framework individuals/organizations retain the tools required to become leaders for the next challenge that lies ahead.   Current Product:  The PRIMED™ framework can be delivered utilizing various delivery techniques (one-on-one coaching, workshop/cohort learning, self-guided) on various platforms (in-person, online, app-led). At present Dr. Bolt has delivered PRIMED™ as a workshop to various students and educational leaders with great success.   Results (theoretical or realized): Individual · Reduced stress ·                     Higher job / work satisfaction ·                     Stronger performance Organizations/Institutions ·                     Reduced turnover/higher retention ·                     Improved onboarding ·                     Faster realization of expected performance targets post an organizational change   The Ask:  The primary need for PLE is an analysis of the potential markets/vertical to address first. Since the framework can be easily catered to suit the needs of “anyone undergoing a significant change”, the possibilities seem endless. As such it is important for the Company to select a market with a low barrier to entry, strong margins, and minimal start-up costs. At present time PLE has identified the following user groups that would benefit the most from the PRIMED™ Framework: Corporate Settings (particularly those in the midst of significant organizational change such as a merger or acquisition, a restructuring, etc.) Academia (for students transitioning from high-school to University; or teachers supporting students in transition) Athletes & Coaches (up to and including professional sports) Performing Artists (particularly those navigating from pre-professional to professional work) Parents (particularly parents supporting a child navigating a developmental or educational change) PLE is open to suggestions past these markets. It is also open to suggestions on the delivery method best suited to meet the need of that market.

Jumelages 1
Catégorie Analyse concurrentielle + 2