Tyson La
Tyson La

Hello my name is Tyson, I am a student at Red River, soon to graduate the full stack web development program.

Curriculum vitae
Tyson Comms Resume.pdf
Conception de l'interface utilisateur Développement de sites web Technologie de l'information Développement de logiciels Matériel


Full stack development 3 Editing 2 Process flow diagrams 2 Leadership 1


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Projets récents

Saint Andrews, Manitoba, Canada

Unified Data Schema and Low-Code Form Builder for Full-Stack Web Development

Addressico aims to streamline its web development process by creating a unified data schema that can be utilized across its full-stack applications. The project involves researching and validating the creation and implementation of this schema. Additionally, the team will develop form-building tools that enable low-code creation and editing of the unified data schema. This will allow non-technical users to easily create and modify forms. The final component of the project is to integrate existing validation, process flow, and UI/accessibility requirements automatically into the form-building tools. This project will help Addressico enhance efficiency and maintain consistency across its web applications.

Jumelages 1
Catégorie Développement de logiciels + 4
Saint Andrews, Manitoba, Canada

Phase 2 Unified Data Schema and Low-Code Form Builder for Full-Stack Web Development

Addressico aims to streamline its web development process by creating a unified data schema that can be utilized across its full-stack applications. The project involves researching and validating the creation and implementation of this schema. Additionally, the team will develop form-building tools that enable low-code creation and editing of the unified data schema. This will allow non-technical users to easily create and modify forms. The final component of the project is to integrate existing validation, process flow, and UI/accessibility requirements automatically into the form-building tools. This project will help Addressico enhance efficiency and maintain consistency across its web applications.

Jumelages 1
Catégorie Développement de logiciels + 4