Daylyn Machinine
Graphisme Illustration Vidéographie Média


Communication 38 Goal setting 38 Microsoft office 38 Non-disclosure agreement (intellectual property law) 38 Zoom (video conferencing tool) 38 Adobe premiere pro 27 Blackmagic 27 Transcribing 27 Video editing 27 Video editing software 27 Journalism 4 Google docs 2 Biography 1


Dernières rétroactions

IISB People and Culture
Iel / Eux
People and Culture Representative
novembre 8, 2024
Rétroaction d'equipe
We are eternally grateful for all of Daylyn's hard work and dedication towards so many departments here at IISB. We look forward to working with Daylyn on future projects.
Communication Microsoft office Goal setting Zoom (video conferencing tool) Non-disclosure agreement (intellectual property law) Biography
International Indigenous Speakers Bureau LevelUP
Level UP International Indigenous Speakers Bureau
International Indigenous Speakers Bureau LevelUP
International Indigenous Speakers Bureau (IISB)
2024 Level Up Comms D - Beginning Indigenous Communications
International Indigenous Speakers Bureau (IISB)
IISB People and Culture
Iel / Eux
People and Culture Representative
novembre 8, 2024
Rétroaction d'equipe
We are eternally grateful for all of Daylyn's hard work and dedication towards so many departments here at IISB. We look forward to working with Daylyn on future projects.
Communication Microsoft office Goal setting Zoom (video conferencing tool) Non-disclosure agreement (intellectual property law)
International Indigenous Speakers Bureau LevelUP
Level UP International Indigenous Speakers Bureau
International Indigenous Speakers Bureau LevelUP
International Indigenous Speakers Bureau (IISB)
2024 Level Up Comms E - Intermediate Indigenous Communications
International Indigenous Speakers Bureau (IISB)
IISB People and Culture
Iel / Eux
People and Culture Representative
novembre 21, 2024
Approbation individuelle
Communication Microsoft office Goal setting Google docs Zoom (video conferencing tool) Non-disclosure agreement (intellectual property law)

IISB endorses Daylyns work

Rétroaction d'equipe
good. work
Communication Microsoft office Goal setting Google docs Zoom (video conferencing tool) Non-disclosure agreement (intellectual property law)
International Indigenous Speakers Bureau LevelUP
Level UP International Indigenous Speakers Bureau
International Indigenous Speakers Bureau LevelUP
International Indigenous Speakers Bureau (IISB)
2024 Level Up Comms F - High-Intermediate Indigenous Communications
International Indigenous Speakers Bureau (IISB)

Projets récents

International Indigenous Speakers Bureau (IISB)
International Indigenous Speakers Bureau (IISB)
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Level Up Video Editing F Intermediate Knowledge Nugget Development

This Level Up Project is for Indigenous video editors who wish to learn and develop their video editing skills across cultures. This is an 80-hour project and a pre-requisite for additional video editing projects. This is one of a gradual multiple-step learning experience in Indigenous video development and editing. This project is designed for people who identify as Indigenous Project Details: Students will attend respective team meetings and will work alongside the IISB Production Team to independantly curate first 2 Knowledge Nuggets. Students who complete this level of video editing training will then be eligible to go on to the next level of video editing projects.

Jumelages 1
Catégorie Média + 4
International Indigenous Speakers Bureau (IISB)
International Indigenous Speakers Bureau (IISB)
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

2023 Level Up Video Editing F Intermediate Knowledge Nugget Development

This Level Up Project is for Indigenous video editors who wish to learn and develop their video editing skills across cultures. This is an 80-hour project and a pre-requisite for additional video editing projects. This is one of a gradual multiple-step learning experience in Indigenous video development and editing. This project is designed for people who identify as Indigenous Project Details: Students will attend respective team meetings and will work alongside the IISB Production Team to independantly curate first 2 Knowledge Nuggets. Students who complete this level of video editing training will then be eligible to go on to the next level of video editing projects.

Jumelages 2
Catégorie Média + 4
International Indigenous Speakers Bureau (IISB)
International Indigenous Speakers Bureau (IISB)
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

2023 Level Up Comms C Introduction to Building Relations Communications

This Level Up Project is for students who wish to learn and develop their communications skills across cultures. This is one step of a multiple step learning experience in Indigenous Communications. Project Details: In this project level students will continue to watch further Indigenous Education videos, complete corresponding reflection pages for each, and attend respective team meetings. Continuing to shadow and work alongside a Communications specialist, students will learn to combine two worlds using the teachings from the first two level up projects to discover the difference between Western and Indigenous communication styles and techniques. The goal of this project is to equip students with the necessary skills to completely work with IISB, an Indigenous organization, to develop communications assets. Students who complete this level of communication training, will then be eligible to go on to the next level of communications projects.

Jumelages 2
Catégorie Média + 4
International Indigenous Speakers Bureau (IISB)
International Indigenous Speakers Bureau (IISB)
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

2023 Level Up Video Editing I Advanced Knowledge Nugget Development

This Level Up Project is for Indigenous video editors who wish to learn and develop their video editing skills across cultures. This is an 80-hour project and a pre-requisite for additional video editing projects. This project is designed for people who identify as Indigenous Project Details: Students will attend respective team meetings and will work independantly with the Production Team in the curation of 3 to 4 Knowledge Nuggets or Video Trailers. Students who complete this level of video editing training will then be eligible to go on to the next level of video editing projects.

Jumelages 2
Catégorie Média + 4