Maheer Huq


User experience (ux) 3 User interface prototyping 3 Wordpress 3 Needs assessment 2 Application programming interface (api) 1 Fastapi 1 Front end design 1 React.js (javascript library) 1 Sass 1 Unit testing 1 User interface (ui) 1


Dernières rétroactions

Ray Hsu
Ray Hsu
Lui / Iel
mars 6, 2024
Rétroaction d'equipe
Maheer and Rawad have consistently demonstrated strong commitment and responsiveness, contributing actively to various tasks and discussions. Maheer's efforts to streamline onboarding and enhance documentation have been commendable, while Rawad's attention to detail in testing functions has greatly benefited the project. While Karanveer has contributed, we encourage further engagement to fully leverage his expertise and ensure optimal team collaboration. Overall, the team's dedication and diverse skill sets have enhanced our project's success.
Fastapi Application programming interface (api) Unit testing Sass React.js (javascript library) User interface prototyping Front end design User experience (ux) User interface (ui) Wordpress
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Level UP: September 2023 - March 2024
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Ada Analytics
Enhancing Website Based on UX/UI Prototypes
Ada Analytics
Ray Hsu
Ray Hsu
Lui / Iel
mai 7, 2024
Approbation individuelle
User interface prototyping Needs assessment User experience (ux) Wordpress

Maheer and Rawad did a great job helping with testing and finishing their tasks on time, even without needing much supervision. They worked well together and made sure everything was done right. Their hard work and teamwork really made a difference and they're great to have on the team!

Rétroaction d'equipe
Maheer and Rawad did a great job helping with testing and finishing their tasks on time, even without needing much supervision. They worked well together and made sure everything was done right. Their hard work and teamwork really made a difference and they're great to have on the team!
User interface prototyping Needs assessment User experience (ux) Wordpress
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Level UP: September 2023 - March 2024
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Ada Analytics
Website Development
Ada Analytics

Projets récents

Ada Analytics
Ada Analytics
Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

Website Development

We hope to update and revamp our existing website based on existing UX/UI prototypes that we have designed. We would like to work with participants to develop a new website that is easy to maintain while providing an appealing interface for users. This might be achieved through common site building tools such as WordPress (which we currently use). This will involve several different steps for the participants, including: Researching different site-building tools and their associated advantages / disadvantages. Conducting a needs analysis to determine which platform is most suitable. Building a website, with our assistance in providing the content. Providing training on updating and maintaining the website. Bonus steps in the process would also include: Testing prototypes with customers and refining ideas with feedback.

Jumelages 4
Catégorie Développement de sites web + 2
Ada Analytics
Ada Analytics
Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

Enhancing Website Based on UX/UI Prototypes

We hope to update and revamp our existing website based on existing UX/UI prototypes that we have designed. We would like to work with participants to develop a new website that is easy to maintain while providing an appealing interface for users. This might be achieved through common site building tools such as WordPress (which we currently use). This will involve several different steps for the participants, including: Developing Frontend and backend, without assistance in providing the content. Frontend - Using React.js, tailwindcss and sass to build the frontend - Calling backend endpoints development by backend devs to communicate with the database Backend - Using FastAPI to create backend endpoints - Using pytest to create unit tests for the backend endpoints - Creating documentation for endpoints APIs - Using Pydantic models for response types

Jumelages 2
Catégorie Bases + 3