Angelo Marmolejo
Apprenant.e - Il / Lui
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Santé Étude de marché Gestion de projet Segmentation de la clientèle Structure organisationnelle


Research 3 Artificial intelligence 2 Augmented reality 1 Billing 1 Business intelligence 1 Communication 1 Critical thinking 1 Ethical standards and conduct 1 Health research 1 Image generation 1 Innovation 1 Literature reviews 1 Marketing research 1 Mental health 1 Operating margins 1 Qualitative research 1 Research analysis 1 Revenue stream 1 Smart glasses 1 Telepresence 1


Dernières rétroactions

Mary Ify Achebe
Founder and Executive Director
avril 24, 2024
Approbation individuelle
Communication Research analysis Critical thinking

Angelo possesses excellent research analytical and critical thinking skills with a strong demonstrated capacity to identify how translated research work can be translated to infield work.

Rétroaction d'equipe
Amazing it was a pleasure to work with Angelo, I greatly appreciate all the time and effort he put into conducting the research for the Mental Health AI project and thank you so much for presenting yesterday. You are an incredible assets to our team.
Image generation Artificial intelligence Qualitative research Ethical standards and conduct Health research Research Mental health
DeGroote School of Business - McMaster University
Level UP: DeGroote School of Business
DeGroote School of Business - McMaster University
Racialized Students In Healthcare
Mental Health AI Researcher
Racialized Students In Healthcare
Ryan De'Larami
Ryan De'Larami
Founder & CEO
mai 9, 2024
Approbation individuelle
Research Business intelligence Marketing research Literature reviews

Thorough research, insightful analysis, and dedication to understanding complex healthcare challenges Angelo's work has been impressive. He possess strong analytical skills and a deep commitment to making a positive impact, making him an excellent candidate for several positions such as Healthcare Business Analyst, Healthcare Market Research Analyst and Product Manager.

Rétroaction d'equipe
Angelo has done outstanding work on the literature review project focused on rural and indigenous healthcare delivery. His thorough research and insightful analysis have provided a comprehensive understanding of this crucial area. The depth of their investigation and the clarity with which he has summarized complex concepts are truly impressive. Angelo's dedication to shedding light on the unique challenges and opportunities in rural and indigenous healthcare is evident, and his work is sure to make a significant impact on how we strategize.
Smart glasses Revenue stream Augmented reality Artificial intelligence Operating margins Billing Innovation Research Telepresence
DeGroote School of Business - McMaster University
Advance Ontario: DeGroote School of Business
DeGroote School of Business - McMaster University
TeleVU Innovation Ltd.
Rural Hospital Care Delivery Analysis
TeleVU Innovation Ltd.

Projets récents

TeleVU Innovation Ltd.
TeleVU Innovation Ltd.
Vaughan, Ontario, Canada

Rural Hospital Care Delivery Analysis

Background Rural hospitals have been facing significant financial health challenges, which have implications for delivering care to the local community and offering care closer to home. 114 rural hospitals stopped offering inpatient services or ceased operation altogether between 2010-2019. In many cases, rural hospitals stopped offering specialty services which led to patients having to travel to urban areas to receive care. With narrow and negative operating margins, it is imperative that these hospitals optimize the delivery of care to their local communities. What we offer As a startup tech company, we offer innovative Telepresence solutions in healthcare to bring care close to home and remote geographic barriers to receiving healthcare. We aim to bring primary and emergency healthcare services to rural and remote areas using simple and affordable smart glasses software solutions to give community nurses and general practitioners access to real-time over-the-shoulder expert and specialist advice using augmented reality and artificial intelligence. Building capacity and expanding expertise. Project goal Using Healthcare Cost Report Information System (HCRIS) and other data sources, we are looking to analyze rural hospital revenue streams and billing practices to identify where our technology can be implemented to improve efficiency (cost-saving) and expand capacity and service offerings (increase revenue).

Jumelages 8
Catégorie Modélisation financière + 4
Racialized Students In Healthcare
Racialized Students In Healthcare
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Mental Health AI Researcher

The main objective of the described project is to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to develop, analyze, and track images for mental health research.The project aims to address various aspects related to mental health, including accuracy in image generation, linguistic analysis of wording and sentences used in AI image development, and the synthesis of mental health AI images based on qualitative research findings.

Jumelages 3
Catégorie Intelligence artificielle + 1