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Santé Écriture créative Rédaction de demandes de subvention Santé publique Scientific research


Research 4 Sales 3 Writing 3 Business development 2 Google sheets 2 Sales strategy 2 Business to business 1 Direct-to-consumer (dtc) 1 Information gathering 1 Search engine optimization 1 Selling techniques 1 Social media 1 Social media content 1 Social media content creation 1 Social media trends 1 Strategic thinking 1 Target market 1 Tiktok 1 User generated content 1


Dernières rétroactions

Projets récents

Zentein Nutrition Inc.
Zentein Nutrition Inc.
London, Ontario, Canada

Article/Blog Writer for a Protein Bar Company (Zentein Nutrition)

Zentein Nutrition sells DELICIOUS protein bars. (Just search us up on Google or Amazon to read our reviews). Our sales strategy is primarily e-commerce to date, due to the fact that we launched right with the first wave of COVID-19. Because of all the store closures, we decided to shift strategies from a traditional food company and go fully e-commerce instead. In order to establish an online presence, one effective way is to use written content, like articles. Good content that engages viewers, incorporate long and short tail keywords and increases user's time on site could help to increase the website's search engine optimization. It also adds increased credibility to the brand if there is good content on the site! The goal is to generate great written content which also acts as inspiration for other social media posts as well.

Jumelages 1
Catégorie Marketing sur les réseaux sociaux + 4
Zentein Nutrition Inc.
Zentein Nutrition Inc.
London, Ontario, Canada

Business Development for a Protein Bar Company (Zentein Nutrition)

Zentein Nutrition sells DELICIOUS protein bars. (Just search us up on Google or Amazon to read our reviews). We are working on launching new products, entering new sales channels, and launching new initiatives. As a business development intern, you will help us research opportunities, find sales leads, new suppliers, and more. Be open to doing any of the above, ask new projects may arise that need your help.

Jumelages 1
Catégorie Génération de leads + 4
Zentein Nutrition Inc.
Zentein Nutrition Inc.
London, Ontario, Canada

Business Development for Health Foods Company (Zentein Nutrition)

Zentein Nutrition sells DELICIOUS protein bars. (Just search us up on Google or Amazon to read our reviews). We are working on launching new products, entering new sales channels, and launching new initiatives. As a business development intern, you will help us research opportunities, find sales leads, new suppliers, and more. Be open to doing any of the above, ask new projects may arise that need your help.

Jumelages 1
Catégorie Génération de leads + 4
Zentein Nutrition Inc.
Zentein Nutrition Inc.
London, Ontario, Canada

Generating Leads for Zentein Nutrition

Zentein Nutrition produces delicious, high quality, protein bars. We have been selling direct to consumer since we launched but we are not starting our B2B sales push. The goal of this project is to generate leads for Zentein Nutrition's B2B sales strategy. This will involve identifying target businesses that align with the company's brand and gathering information so that our sales team can reach out to them.

Jumelages 1
Catégorie Étude de marché + 1

Expérience professionnelle

Research Intern – Undergraduate Summer Research Internship (USRI)
Western University
London, Ontario, Canada
mai 2022 - août 2022

• Recruited, scheduled, and prepared materials for subjects to participate in the various studies being conducted
• Acquired and organized data using Excel for MSc and PhD students
• Learned and provided tutorials for conducting neuropsychological tests to other researchers
• Applied knowledge mobilization through the creation of poster and oral presentations


MSc, Neuroscience
The Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry
janvier 2023 - Présent
BA (Hons), Kinesiology
Western University
septembre 2017 - avril 2022

Projets personnels

Functional Neuroimaging Techniques to Examine Falls and Cognition in Older Adults: A Systematic Review (Scholarship@Western)
mai 2022 - août 2022

A final deliverable that engaged in knowledge translation of academic literature to information that can be comprehended by the general population.