kai bouse
Knoxville, Tennessee, United States

40 years of experience in large-scale distributed DCS and SCADA systems, industrial automation, networking, security, custom AI, data storage and retrieval engines, visualization graphics pipelines, operating systems, languages.

Opérations Gestion de projet Leadership Structure organisationnelle


It design 1 It evaluation 1 Web design 1 Web development 1 Wordpress 1

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Projets récents

Deploy Solutions
Deploy Solutions
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Design and build a new WordPress selh-hosted website for hosting and organizing the annual Space Apps Ottawa hackathon

The Goal Create an open source self-hosted (not Wordpress.com) WordPress website to help us host and manage the annual Space Apps Ottawa hackathon (which we help sponsor and organize). Our current website is static html, CSS, and JS, and is hard to update and maintain. The Hackathon The hackathon is our Ottawa version of the NASA International Space Apps Hackathon, and will be held October 18-20 at Carleton University's Technology Innovation Management Program. The event is an intense 48-hour global weekend hackathon for developers, designers, engineers, entrepreneurs, astronomers and enthusiasts. Along with 212 cities around the world, Ottawa teams form and build products and prototypes against NASA- and (in our case) Canadian Space Agency-designed challenges that leverage spacecraft, celestial & science data. You can learn more at the current version of our hackathon website . The Website The site will provide public information to prospective attendees and sponsors, facilitate blog and social media campaigns that promote the event, list the hackathon challenges and important attendee information, provide bios for organizers sponsors judges & mentors, showcase previous and current hackathon winners, and display photos of the event. The site will also allow archiving of previous years' events. Your solution will include a deployment script to deploy the website along with any plugins and content. Content and detailed requirements will be provided at the start of the project. You can get an idea of the kind of content from our website . Your Contribution Use your skills and creativity to design and build the hackathon website using WordPress and free (open-source) plugins. Create a cool theme for the new site. Your work will be put to immediate use as Space Apps Ottawa's new public website!

Jumelages 1
Catégorie Technologie de l'information + 1

Expérience professionnelle

Software Architect
Technology for Energy Corp
Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
juin 2011 - février 2019

Metrology devices for electric power utilities

Sr Software Engr, R&D
Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
mai 2008 - mai 2011

Developing control software for pre-clinical research imaging scanners (CT, PET, SPECT)

Sr Software Eng, R&D ... Software Systems Architect
Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
janvier 1995 - avril 2008

Developing online vibration monitoring solutions and embedded custom AI analysis

Sr Systems Software Eng, R&D
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
janvier 1992 - janvier 1994

Consultant porting VxWorks to custom VME RTUs and extending DCS/SCADA systems with support for additional PLC communication protocols

Adjunct Faculty
Catonsville Community College
Cockeysville, Maryland, United States
janvier 1987 - janvier 1992

Taught programming and data structures in C

Sr. Systems Software Engr, R&D
Texas Instruments
Cockeysville, Maryland, United States
janvier 1984 - janvier 1992

Telecommunications and embedded applications for SCADA systems

Systems Software Eng, R&D
General Instrument Corp
Cockeysville, Maryland, United States
janvier 1982 - janvier 1984

Developing custom cash registers