Mike Garska
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

We are a business communications strategy training company. We train business owners and managers in Busioness Communication Strategy for their teams and we train workgroups to navigate difficult conversations to win-win outcomes.

Communications Étude de marché Arts visuels Éducation

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Projets récents

Novacom International Limited
Novacom International Limited
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Video editing for on-line communication course using animated SaaS.

Number of individual students required: 2 or 3 We would like students to help us with editing communications skill training content. We will ensure the student has a clear understanding of what we want and the support they need to succeed. We are looking for creative people. To accomplish this, we expect the student(s) will: review and edit video's to make sure they flow and are easy to understand. You will be working on video content creation and editing for our organization. The video training you will be editing relates to navigating difficult conversations using a proven 7 step framework called CONTACT. If you like the sound of our culture, and are ready to tackle this challenge with us, then we'd love to hear from you. A student or team with excellent writing and video skills would be the ideal candidate for this project. You will have a daily meeting with your supervisor. You will get access to the training for free.

Jumelages 1
Catégorie Arts visuels + 2
Novacom International Limited
Novacom International Limited
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Marketing Intern for B2B Communication Strategy Training

Positions available: 4 We’re looking for students to help us post content to increase awareness and nurture engagement on various platforms. We are a training company focused on training business teams in strategic communication systems for the business and conflict management for the employees. We target business owners with 25+ employees. Based on our goals, we are looking for the student to work on the following: Linked-In direct marketing to business owners. Possibly Social Media Management: overseeing different channels that we own and keeping them up-to-date. Possibly some content development. Possibly some SEO. Other marketing-related tasks. Website: https://www.successtoolchest.com/

Jumelages 1
Catégorie Marketing - general + 4