Lethbridge College
Lethbridge College
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
Sandra Scott
Sandra Scott
Operations Coordinator
août 14, 2020
Rétroaction d'expérience
Lethbridge College 1st year marketing students through the Business Administration Department provided a joint marketing report to our organization that was quite helpful. The suggestions were detailed, inventive, and useful. We are now moving forward on advertising and incorporating some of the suggestions presented in the document. We look forward to working with Lethbridge College again. We already know how we would approach the project a little bit differently to guarantee an impactful learning process for the students and provide us, the organization, useful information to help us grow our business. We are very thank full for the opportunity to have worked with the students at Lethbridge College. We look forward to this process once again.
Lethbridge College
Integrated Marketing Communication Review and Recommendations
Lethbridge College
Amped2Play Inc.
Virtual Internship Opportunity: Marketing
Amped2Play Inc.
Nicholas Kellett
Nicholas Kellett
Founder & CEO, Deploy Solutions
décembre 11, 2020
Rétroaction d'expérience
We asked the Lethbridge College students to assist our hiring process generally, and more specifically to prepare us to find and evaluate a junior sales/marketing staff member position. They provided detailed options for job descriptions, job postings, and interview guides and questions. They even worked with us to produce performance management rubrics. In addition, they taught us some new HR processes and practices. The students and professor were always pleasant, professional, keen to understand our hiring process, goals and objectives, and willing to go the extra mile to help achieve them. We are very pleased with the material they produced and the insight they provided, which will benefit our hiring processes.
Lethbridge College
Creating HR Job Descriptions & On-boarding Materials
Lethbridge College
Deploy Solutions
Create HR Job Description & On-boarding Materials for Junior Sales/Marketer Role
Deploy Solutions
Lois Whitehead
Lois Whitehead
Executive Director
avril 15, 2021
Rétroaction d'expérience
Our contact, Kelly Thompson, was a pleasure to work with. The students displayed an interest in understanding how the course topics applied to our organization and provided thoughtful presentations to address our organizational challenges.
Lethbridge College
Organizational Behaviour - Recommendations Report
Lethbridge College
Science Atlantic
Organizational Behaviour - Recommendations Report
Science Atlantic
Neil Bui
Neil Bui
décembre 13, 2021
Rétroaction d'expérience
Great communication!
Lethbridge College
Journalism related-projects
Lethbridge College
Dorkaholics: Online Magazine Startup
Art Weiss
mai 25, 2022
Rétroaction d'expérience
Assignment of students for project was smooth and helpful for the project.
Lethbridge College
Interior Design Technology Practicum Placement W22
Lethbridge College
Building remodel
Amy Crawford
Amy Crawford
avril 26, 2023
Rétroaction d'expérience
This was my first project with Riipen, and I am very pleased with the experience. The students provided some excellent ideas and I enjoyed the opportunity to be able to collaborate with them.
Lethbridge College
23WN Business Plan
Lethbridge College
North Peace Moms' Playdate Group
Business Plan - Operations & Financials
North Peace Moms' Playdate Group
Efrem Berhe
juin 1, 2023
Rétroaction d'expérience
Highly recommend
Lethbridge College
Multimedia Production Internship to start January 2023
Lethbridge College
Digital Content Creation
Allinah Moroke
Operations Manager
juin 4, 2023
Rétroaction d'expérience
It was our first time and great working with educators. It was a learning curve with great results. Our interns were very easy and flexible to work with. They were very talented and creative. The process from all through was straight forward and appreciated all the reminders
Lethbridge College
Multimedia Production Internship to start January 2023
Lethbridge College
Ògo Tàwa
Marketing Intern-Social Media Specialist
Ògo Tàwa