Digital Marketing Strategy
We would like students to help us devise a strategy to build our social media presence and social media content. We plan on launching a crowdfunding campaign to raise $50,000 in capital for our business. The main questions we’d like students to help us answer are the following: How should we promote our company? How can we gain more followers? What kind of content should be be posting on our social media pages? How can we market our crowdfunding campaign using social media? What kind of perks should we have for the campaign that would get people to donate to us?

Economic Modelling for Bluethumb Technologies/Blueprint Loyalty Program
PROJECT DESCRIPTION/DESCRIPTION DU PROJET: Bluethumb Technologies is currently seeking students to make economic models of the various aspects of the Blueprint Loyalty Program and Bluethumb Technologies. The company is currently in stage one of it's two stage MVP development. The company first plans to launch the loyalty program at a local university before moving to a city wide test among various stakeholders we hope to acquire in the program. The company is looking for 5 students that can collaborate and do the required economic modelling for the following areas: 1. Retailer cost and profit models for the Blueprint Loyalty Program 2. Central Fund model (How much money is needed to start and how much is going in and going out of the fund). Solve various problems regarding retail cost of doing business within this aspect (IE if consumer asks for a refund). Make investment model based on money flow that returns profit to the fund to create tokens for the fund. These models include for post secondary institutions with payment systems that allow students to use their student card for purchases. In addition to this, apply a banking/credit union model that would show the profit of the fund and what is in it for the bank/credit union 3.How many tokens should students receive from the fund if they are eligible to apply? How often should they get these tokens? 4. Model How non profits would be able to help their clients on a financial level while keeping the fund flush with cash, while asking them to help fund the model itself for their own clients with a certain % of their funding. 5.Determine a pricing model for the company that targets post secondary institutions and non profits. Aid in Determining what is included in pricing HOW MANY STUDENT INTRAPRENEURS WILL THIS PROJECT ACCOMMODATE?/DE COMBIEN D’ÉTUDIANTS AVEZ-VOUS BESOIN POUR EXÉCUTER CE PROJET? This will support 5 Intrapreneur students. Please note that we would prefer honors or MBA level or higher for this project. The students must be familiar with modelling and know how to make reasonable assumptions. TIME COMMITMENT PER STUDENT/TEMPS DE TRAVAIL PAR ÉTUDIANT: [ please indicate either 30 hours, 50 hours, or 70 hours/veuillez indiquer 30, 50 ou 70 heures]: With the amount of research and work required, we estimate the project will be over 70 hours per student. KEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES/TÂCHES ASSOCIÉES AU PROJET: Make Economically viable financial models for the Blueprint Loyalty program that are feasible and affordable to our customers Come up with a pricing model for the company Determine how much capital the company will need to raise in order to run it's operations and run the post secondary test market. Determine any capital options that company may have. IDEAL ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES/RÔLES/RESPONSABILITÉS:* Please note appropriate projects can accommodate most students, regardless of field of study or experience. We may not be able to fill these roles exactly. Veuillez noter que les projets appropriés peuvent accueillir la plupart des étudiants, quel que soit leur domaine d'études ou leur expérience. Nous ne pourrons peut-être pas remplir ces rôles exactement. The Ideal Candidates will have a background in economics and finance. The ideal candidates will be either an Honor's student or MBA or higher. Weekly meetings are mandatory to update on progress. Experience in Economic and financial modeling preferred as this requires significant attention to detail. Please note that an NDA/ Independent contractor agreement must be signed. FINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLES/LIVRABLES DU PROJET: Economic Models for all activities mentioned above Put findings an a report which includes sources of capital that our company would be eligible for. IN WHAT LANGUAGE WILL THIS PROJECT BE PROVIDED/DANS QUELLE LANGUE CE PROJET SERA-T-IL FOURNI: (English/Français) The Project will be in English PROJECT MENTOR NAME/NOM DU MENTOR DU PROJET: Fergus Dearden CEO Bluethumb Technologies.

Bluethumb Technologies - Social Media Marketing
PROJECT DESCRIPTION/DESCRIPTION DU PROJET: Bluethumb Technologies is socially innovative financial technologies start up that specializes in technological solutions to todays social problems. Our first product aims at allowing retailers to attract and retain new customers while directly targeting poverty in our communities. We are looking for 2 -3 eager social media Rockstar's to help us build our social media platforms and bring awareness to now only our product, but the issues that everyday people in our community face. Please see www.blueprintliveshere.ca for more information about the product. We expect each student to work 70 hours over the course the seven weeks you will be with us. KEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES/TÂCHES ASSOCIÉES AU PROJET: Build our social media platforms on facebook, instagrapm, twitter and linkedin. Create posts on the platforms at least twice per week that will drive traffic and create more followers Find groups of people to invite to follow our pages on each platform. Build all platforms by at least 500 - 1000 followers. IDEAL ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES/RÔLES/RESPONSABILITÉS:* Marketing background and social media experience are assets but not required. Be willing to learn! Attend short weekly meetings on a day that works for all of us. FINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLES/LIVRABLES DU PROJET: Increased social media activity on all above-mentioned platforms add at least 500 to 1000 more users on each social media platform over the 7 weeks. Copies of material created for the social media posts.

Bluethumb Technologies Build and Market a Crowdfunding
Developing a crowdfunding campaign can be a lot of work and we are looking for five proactive students who will assist in the creation, development, marketing, and running of the campaign. We would like to see students who have ambition and are not afraid to "get their hands dirty" so to speak. Students will be responsible for the aforementioned area as we will be looking to raise $50,000 in venture capital for our first product "The Blueprint Loyalty Program" Please see the video for more information about the program. HOW MANY STUDENT INTRAPRENEURS WILL THIS PROJECT ACCOMMODATE?/DE COMBIEN D’ÉTUDIANTS AVEZ-VOUS BESOIN POUR EXÉCUTER CE PROJET? 5 TIME COMMITMENT PER STUDENT/TEMPS DE TRAVAIL PAR ÉTUDIANT: [ please indicate either 30 hours, 50 hours, or 70 hours/veuillez indiquer 30, 50 ou 70 heures]: 70 hours KEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES/TÂCHES ASSOCIÉES AU PROJET: Identifying potential sponsors/donors that can provide easy to send out perks Creation of new video for the campaign Using social media platforms to increase the awareness and build our social media platforms. Creating a simple tracking framework, including metrics, for measuring outreach success. Students are fully responsible for running the campaign. If targets are reached, 10% of the funding will go to the students divided among them (10K cap split between all students). FINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLES/LIVRABLES DU PROJET: The final project deliverable is a crowdfunding campaign, research, analysis, and details of successful and unsuccessful market penetration. This will assist our company in determining future campaigns if they are required. IN WHAT LANGUAGE WILL THIS PROJECT BE PROVIDED/DANS QUELLE LANGUE CE PROJET SERA-T-IL FOURNI: English PROJECT MENTOR NAME/NOM DU MENTOR DU PROJET: Fergus Dearden

HR Policy Manual for Bluethumb Technologies
We are a small start up in the fintech industry that is looking for students to develop a HR policy manual for our Company Bluethumb Technologies. Students should be prepared to: Research existing onboarding practices to determine their effectiveness and opportunities for improvement. Research the onboarding practices of competitors. Research what onboarding components are most impactful for new employees. Use benchmarking to determine wages, benefits and other forms of employee compensation. Develop a HR policy manual that comes with a standardized onboarding plan that achieves our goals. The focus on the manual would be on diversity and inclusion, which is at the core of our company's values.

Blueprint Loyalty Program - Economic Modelling
PROJECT DESCRIPTION/DESCRIPTION DU PROJET: Bluethumb Technologies is currently seeking students to make economic models of the various aspects of the Blueprint Loyalty Program and Bluethumb Technologies. The company is currently in stage one of it's two stage MVP development. The company first plans to launch the loyalty program at a local university before moving to a city wide test among various stakeholders we hope to acquire in the program. The company is looking for 5 students that can collaborate and do the required economic modelling for the following areas: 1. Retailer cost and profit models for the Blueprint Loyalty Program 2. Central Fund model (How much money is needed to start and how much is going in and going out of the fund). Solve various problems regarding retail cost of doing business within this aspect (IE if consumer asks for a refund). Make investment model based on money flow that returns profit to the fund to create tokens for the fund. These models include for post secondary institutions with payment systems that allow students to use their student card for purchases. In addition to this, apply a banking/credit union model that would show the profit of the fund and what is in it for the bank/credit union 3.How many tokens should students receive from the fund if they are eligible to apply? How often should they get these tokens? 4. Model How non profits would be able to help their clients on a financial level while keeping the fund flush with cash, while asking them to help fund the model itself for their own clients with a certain % of their funding. 5.Determine a pricing model for the company that targets post secondary institutions and non profits. Aid in Determining what is included in pricing HOW MANY STUDENT INTRAPRENEURS WILL THIS PROJECT ACCOMMODATE?/DE COMBIEN D’ÉTUDIANTS AVEZ-VOUS BESOIN POUR EXÉCUTER CE PROJET? This will support 5 Intrapreneur students. Please note that we would prefer honors or MBA level or higher for this project. The students must be familiar with modelling and know how to make reasonable assumptions. TIME COMMITMENT PER STUDENT/TEMPS DE TRAVAIL PAR ÉTUDIANT: [ please indicate either 30 hours, 50 hours, or 70 hours/veuillez indiquer 30, 50 ou 70 heures]: With the amount of research and work required, we estimate the project will be over 70 hours per student. KEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES/TÂCHES ASSOCIÉES AU PROJET: Make Economically viable financial models for the Blueprint Loyalty program that are feasible and affordable to our customers Come up with a pricing model for the company Determine how much capital the company will need to raise in order to run it's operations and run the post secondary test market. Determine any capital options that company may have. IDEAL ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES/RÔLES/RESPONSABILITÉS:* Please note appropriate projects can accommodate most students, regardless of field of study or experience. We may not be able to fill these roles exactly. Veuillez noter que les projets appropriés peuvent accueillir la plupart des étudiants, quel que soit leur domaine d'études ou leur expérience. Nous ne pourrons peut-être pas remplir ces rôles exactement. The Ideal Candidates will have a background in economics and finance. The ideal candidates will be either an Honor's student or MBA or higher. Weekly meetings are mandatory to update on progress. Experience in Economic and financial modeling preferred as this requires significant attention to detail. Please note that an NDA and an Independent contractor agreement must be signed. FINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLES/LIVRABLES DU PROJET: Economic Models for all activities mentioned above Put findings an a report which includes sources of capital that our company would be eligible for. IN WHAT LANGUAGE WILL THIS PROJECT BE PROVIDED/DANS QUELLE LANGUE CE PROJET SERA-T-IL FOURNI: (English/Français) The Project will be in English PROJECT MENTOR NAME/NOM DU MENTOR DU PROJET: Fergus Dearden CEO Bluethumb Technologies.

Bluethumb Technologies - Market Research - Smartphone Loyalty Program
PROJECT DESCRIPTION/DESCRIPTION DU PROJET: Bluethumb Technologies is a socially innovative financial technologies firm that specializes in developing innovative technological solutions for retailers, non profits, smartphone users, governments and financial institutions. The company is currently seeking passionate, innovative and socially consious students to conduct market research for the company's first product "The Blueprint Loyalty Program"( Blueprint Lives Here ) which enables retailers to attract and retain new customers while directly targeting poverty within their local communities. Students will also be required to share responsibilities of building our social media accounts on Facebook, twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Students will be required to sign an NDA and We will only accept students who currently reside in Canada for this project. We will provide questions to ask for some of the areas of research and will ask you to possibly add and come up with more questions to ask. The students will be required to preform market research interviews in the following areas: 1. Retailer sector, particularly Small and medium sized businesses. 25- 50 Retailer Interviews with the business owner(s) 2. Non profits and charities. 25 - 50 Non Profit and charity Interviews 3. Smartphone users, particularly students, but also other users outside of the student market. Looking for between 50-150 interviews) 4. Post Secondary institutions in Canada that have their own student payment networks (IE: enables students to pay with their student card for purchases) We would like to see between 10-30 interviews done with the managers of these payment systems on campus. **exclude Dalhousie University, we are already in touch with them.** 5. Financial institutions (particularly credit unions). 10-15 interviews with a person in a management position, preferable the CEO or a person close to them. HOW MANY STUDENT INTRAPRENEURS WILL THIS PROJECT ACCOMMODATE? The project will accommodate 5 students TIME COMMITMENT PER STUDENT The time commitment per student is 70 hours KEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES/TÂCHES ASSOCIÉES AU PROJET: Choose an area of interest, contact individuals in that industry to set up a video-recorded interview via zoom or another platform. Work with your student colleagues to identify product-market fit and identify gaps that need to be filled Work with your student colleagues to identify trends in interviews Work together to build our social media accounts IDEAL ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES/RÔLES/RESPONSABILITÉS:* Experience doing market research and customer interviews is an asset but not required. Preferred majors would be marketing or entrepreneurship majors, but these are not required to apply. Students will be required to meet with the mentor once per week on a day that works for all students. Students will be required to report any activities they have done over the week and any setbacks they have encountered. Report anything interesting you found while conducting your interviews. FINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLES/LIVRABLES DU PROJET: Recorded Interviews for each sector Put findings in a report for each sector and identify trends, product-market fit, and gaps that need to be filled. Gain between 500 and 1000 new followers across all social media accounts PROJECT MENTOR NAME/NOM DU MENTOR DU PROJET: Fergus Dearden CEO of Bluethumb Technologies.