Mathew Gancarz
IT / Operations Manager


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Projets récents

University Health Network - de Souza Institute
University Health Network - de Souza Institute
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Health Care Continuing Education Data Analytics

We have considered two major projects so far: Developing a recommendation engine to recommend courses to current and potential students. Data considered could include profession, demographic data, previous purchases as well as learning pathways for professionals in the field. Forecasting and predictive modelling along with reporting dashboards to help with scheduling semestered course offerings, deciding advertising spend/promotional efforts and other potential insights based on our enrollment data. Signing a confidentiality agreement would be required before access to the data could be provided. Final products would involve a report and presentation with recommendations and insights gathered from the data analysis and project, with possible mockups or prototype implementations of visualisations, analytics dashboards/recommendation engines.

Jumelages 1
Catégorie Technologie de l'information + 1
University Health Network - de Souza Institute
University Health Network - de Souza Institute
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Oncology and Palliative care education marketing strategy

Through this project, students will be expected to: perform research on how best to reach busy health care professionals, identify attitudes of customers (when they are willing to invest in their own education vs having employer do so), identify and evaluate potential customer profile and markets, and identify potential improvements to the existing ads and landing pages. The final goals are: a report of research conducted, audience targeting recommendations based on research, mock-ups for potential ads and ad copy if there are improvements to be made from the previous ads, and if needed or recommend, proposed changes to the landing pages and our website.

Jumelages 1
Catégorie Marketing - general + 4