Jayme Liu
Jayme Liu
Industry Engagement Coordinator - Il / Lui
RMIT University
RMIT University
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Undergraduate of Information Technology and Computer Science Project (Semester 2 2024)

Jul 21, 2024 - Oct 25, 2024

Students complete hands-on, practical experience developing software and/or delivering IT solutions in a project environment. They will work in teams and complete projects from inception to implementation. Preferred projects are web application development, testing, CMS configuration etc Project requirements: Self-sustained independent projects preferred (not BAU work) Semester 1 starts on 17th July and finishes on 15th October Project description to be reviewed and approved by the academic coordinator The team will be formed based on student interest and skillset Team sizes are 3 -5 Projects are supervised by academics with industry experience Team outcomes will be finalised by the week of 31st July approximately Each student is expected to work 120hrs during the semester on the project Project sponsors are expected to meet with the team regularly (at least 1 hr/week) Please note that your request will not be accepted on Riipen until a student group has been allocated. Students are given the opportunity to submit preferences from July 17th, with partners to be notified if they've secured a group by July 31st. You can submit your project for approval via this form https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/edbfbb5b2d5941719d497fe9aa83c75f Once submitted, a follow-up meeting will be scheduled with you to answer any questions.

Jumelages 8
Catégorie Développement de sites web + 3
RMIT University
RMIT University
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

RMIT Data Science Student Projects (Semester 1 2024)

Mar 9, 2024 - Jun 3, 2024

Students will dedicate 240 hours over a 12-week period to complete a data science-based project. We ask that the client e-meets candidates for 1 hour a week to keep them on track. All learning activities in this course are based on applying data science knowledge in a process of planning and executing a substantial industry-led problem. Student Skill set : Data wrangling Data engineering and visualisation Analysis and insights Machine learning/AI Big data

Jumelages 1
Catégorie Apprentissage automatique + 4
RMIT University
RMIT University
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

RMIT Software Engineering Student Projects (Semester 1 2024)

Mar 9, 2024 - Jun 3, 2024

Requirements: 240 hours over a 12-week period Project descriptions to be provided at least 1 month before the semester starts in March or July Typically completed in teams(unless otherwise authorised by the academic) — Students: —Final year from a Masters of Information Technology —Final year from a Bachelor of Software Engineering Skillsets: Software Development (Java; C/C++; python) including full-stack development Software Engineering (design and design patterns, coding, testing and associated tools) Cloud-based deployment and management Database management and security Modern Agile methodologies and SDLCs Students now complete a programming boot camp in their first year

Jumelages 4
Catégorie Développement de sites web + 3
RMIT University
RMIT University
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Undergraduate of Information Technology and Computer Science Project (Semester 1 2024)

Mar 9, 2024 - Jun 3, 2024

Students complete hands-on, practical experience developing software and/or delivering IT solutions in a project environment. They will work in teams and complete projects from inception to implementation. Preferred projects are web application development, testing, CMS configuration etc Project requirements: Self-sustained independent projects preferred (not BAU work) Semester 1 starts on 17th July and finishes on 15th October Project description to be reviewed and approved by the academic coordinator The team will be formed based on student interest and skillset Team sizes are 3 -5 Projects are supervised by academics with industry experience Team outcomes will be finalised by the week of 31st July approximately Each student is expected to work 120hrs during the semester on the project Project sponsors are expected to meet with the team regularly (at least 1 hr/week) Please note that your request will not be accepted on Riipen until a student group has been allocated. Students are given the opportunity to submit preferences from July 17th, with partners to be notified if they've secured a group by July 31st. You can submit your project for approval via this form https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/edbfbb5b2d5941719d497fe9aa83c75f Once submitted, a follow-up meeting will be scheduled with you to answer any questions.

Jumelages 1
Catégorie Développement de sites web + 3
RMIT University
RMIT University
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

RMIT Data Science Student Projects (Semester 2 2023)

Aou 30, 2023 - Nov 10, 2023

Students will dedicate 240 hours over a 12-week period to complete a data science-based project. We ask that the client e-meets candidates for 1 hour a week to keep them on track. All learning activities in this course are based on applying data science knowledge in a process of planning and executing a substantial industry-led problem. Student Skill set : Data wrangling Data engineering and visualisation Analysis and insights Machine learning/AI Big data

Jumelages 1
Catégorie Apprentissage automatique + 4
RMIT University
RMIT University
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

RMIT Software Engineering Student Projects (Semester 2 2023)

Aou 30, 2023 - Nov 10, 2023

Requirements: 240 hours over a 12-week period Project descriptions to be provided at least 1 month before the semester starts in March or July Typically completed in teams(unless otherwise authorised by the academic) — Students: —Final year from a Masters of Information Technology —Final year from a Bachelor of Software Engineering Skillsets: Software Development (Java; C/C++; python) including full-stack development Software Engineering (design and design patterns, coding, testing and associated tools) Cloud-based deployment and management Database management and security Modern Agile methodologies and SDLCs Students now complete a programming boot camp in their first year

Jumelages 3
Catégorie Développement de sites web + 3
RMIT University
RMIT University
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Undergraduate of Information Technology and Computer Science Project


Aou 4, 2023 - Oct 4, 2023

Students complete hands-on, practical experience developing software and/or delivering IT solutions in a project environment. They will work in teams and complete projects from inception to implementation. Preferred projects are web application development, testing, CMS configuration etc Project requirements: Self-sustained independent projects preferred (not BAU work) Semester 1 starts on 17th July and finishes on 15th October Project description to be reviewed and approved by the academic coordinator The team will be formed based on student interest and skillset Team sizes are 3 -5 Projects are supervised by academics with industry experience Team outcomes will be finalised by the week of 31st July approximately Each student is expected to work 120hrs during the semester on the project Project sponsors are expected to meet with the team regularly (at least 1 hr/week) Please note that your request will not be accepted on Riipen until a student group has been allocated. Students are given the opportunity to submit preferences from July 17th, with partners to be notified if they've secured a group by July 31st. You can submit your project for approval via this form https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/edbfbb5b2d5941719d497fe9aa83c75f Once submitted, a follow-up meeting will be scheduled with you to answer any questions.

Jumelages 21
Catégorie Développement de sites web + 3
RMIT University
RMIT University
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Data Science Postgraduate Project


Avr 14, 2023 - Mai 29, 2023

Students will dedicate 240 hours over a 12 week period to complete a data science based project. We ask that the client e-meets candidates for 1 hour a week to keep them on track. This is a project-based course where students learn through meetings and informal discussions with other students, the project manager and client. Their learning is in the ’doing’, where students will carry out all the necessary steps to successfully complete the project. All learning activities in this course are based on applying data science knowledge in a process of planning and executing a substantial research-based project or industry-sponsored capstone project experience.

Jumelages 3
Catégorie Analyse des données
RMIT University
RMIT University
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Postgraduate of Information Technology and Undergraduate of Software Engineering Project


Mar 14, 2023 - Mai 29, 2023

Requirements: 240 hours over a 12-week period Project descriptions to be provided at least 1 month before the semester starts in March or July Typically completed in teams (unless otherwise authorised by the academic) — Students: —Final year from a Masters of Information Technology —Final year from a Bachelor of Software Engineering Skillsets: Software Development (Java; C/C++; python) including full-stack development Software Engineering (design and design patterns, coding, testing and associated tools) Cloud-based deployment and management Database management and security Modern Agile methodologies and SDLCs Students now complete a programming boot camp in their first year

Jumelages 3
Catégorie Développement de sites web + 4
RMIT University
RMIT University
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Data Science/AI Postgraduate Project


Jul 24, 2022 - Oct 20, 2022

Students will dedicate 240 hours over a 12-week period to complete a data science-based project. We ask that the client e-meets candidates for 1 hour a week to keep them on track. All learning activities in this course are based on applying data science knowledge in a process of planning and executing a substantial industry-led problem. Student Skill set : Data wrangling Data engineering and visualisation Analysis and insights Machine learning/AI Big data

Jumelages 0
Catégorie Apprentissage automatique + 4